T20 Task Force 5 Side Event

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) and the T20 Task Force 5 (TF5) team, in collaboration with the University of Oxford’s Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), are hosting a culminative Side Event, which acts as the final and concluding forum of a series of discussions led by the T20’s Task Force 5, on solutions and policy recommendations to the challenges G20 nations are facing with regard to poverty, inequality, human capital and wellbeing.

Dr. Asep Suryahadi

TF5 Lead Co-chair and Senior Research Fellow at The SMERU Research Institute


Asep Suryahadi is a Senior Research Fellow at The SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta, Indonesia. Previously, he was the director of the institute from 2009 to 2019 and the deputy director of research from 2003 to 2009. He is a visiting researcher at the Bank Indonesia Institute since 2020. He currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies and the Advisory Board of Indonesia Project, both at the Australian National University. He is a member of the Statistical Society Forum (Forum Masyarakat Statistik), the advisory body of Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik), since 2019. Asep has published widely on various economic development issues in Indonesia. He holds a PhD in economics from the Australian National University.

Contact Information

Dr. Putu Natih
(6th Side Event Organising Committee Co-Lead)
WhatsApp: +447447 591015