The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) and the T20 Task Force 5 (TF5) team, in collaboration with the University of Oxford’s Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), are hosting a culminative Side Event, which acts as the final and concluding forum of a series of discussions led by the T20’s Task Force 5, on solutions and policy recommendations to the challenges G20 nations are facing with regard to poverty, inequality, human capital and wellbeing.
Niken is the Head of Research Department at The SMERU Research Institute. She conducts applied development microeconomics research in the field of labor market, gender, poverty, digitalization, as well as micro, small, and medium enterprises. Her area of expertise is impact evaluation of public policy, development of household survey, and the use of econometrics for policy analysis. She leads the development of longitudinal household survey in SMERU on poor women’s access to public services as well as other surveys in various topic. Niken obtained her master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris and her bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Universitas Indonesia.