T20 Task Force5 6Th Side Event

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) and the T20 Task Force 5 (TF5) team, in collaboration with the University of Oxford’s Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), are hosting a culminative Side Event, which acts as the final and concluding forum of a series of discussions led by the T20’s Task Force 5, on solutions and policy recommendations to the challenges G20 nations are facing with regard to poverty, inequality, human capital and wellbeing.

Dr. Usha Kanagaratnam



Usha leads the global Multidimensional Poverty Index project at OPHI. In 2018, she successfully led the first major revision of the global MPI since it was introduced in 2010. She has extensive experience in managing and analysing large-scale quantitative survey data. Usha is the academic coordinator of the OPHI Summer Schools on multidimensional poverty measurement.

Usha’s previous field experience includes carrying out participatory poverty assessments in rural villages in Bangladesh, Indonesia and India.

Contact Information

Dr. Putu Natih
(6th Side Event Organising Committee Co-Lead)
WhatsApp: +447447 591015