Agustus 29, 2018


Alumni FEUI 87 Persembahkan Renovasi Kelas A.110 Sebagai Bukti Kontribusi Terhadap Almamater   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK ā€“ Alumni FEUI angkatan 87 mengadakan peresmian renovasi ruang kelas A.110 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia sekaligus reuni give back to campus yang berlangsung di Selasar lantai 1, Gedung A, pada Minggu (26/8/2018)....
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GLOBAL NETWORK FORĀ ADVANCED MANAGEMENT Global Network Weeks Service Excellence In Tourism Industry Indonesian Way Global Network Weeks give MBA students and faculty of the GlobalĀ Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) an opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school, in a focused mini course thatĀ leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school. Alongside...
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