Hatfan Hizriyan Syaidan – IO FEB UI
International Office (IO) FEB UI on Friday, November 29th, 2019 organized company visit for international students to PT Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) Plant Ciracas and SMESCO Indonesia. International students who attended the event came from several faculties in UI, with diverse nationalities such as Malaysian, Bruneian, Korean etc. Mrs Muthia Pramesti M.M., CFP, the Head of International Office FEB UI, also accompanied the students in the company visit.
The event first took place on PT Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) Plant Ciracas, East Jakarta. The session opened with welcoming remarks from Mr. Dony Wibisono, Public Affairs Manager PT FFI, which was replied with gratitude from Mrs. Muthia for providing students the opportunity to learn outside the class, here in PT FFI. Then, Mr Dony delivered presentation about history of PT FFI and Friesland Campina, the parent company of PT FFI. He explained the three pillars that encourage the company to always be the best in the industry, they are better nutrition for consumers; welfare for partner farmer; and for now and generations to come. These pillars make PT FFI as one of the most renowned dairy companies in Indonesia.
After that, the presentation continued by Mr Wawan, Plant Manager of PPT FFI Plant Ciracas. Mr Wawan explained the production process from grass to glass. Then, he mentioned the variant of Frisian Flag products, and among them which one being produced by Plant Ciracas. The morning session ended with questions from the students who showed enthusiasm during the presentations. At noon, guided by the staff, the students have a factory tour to better understand the production process. However, before taking the tour, all visitors should wear a proper outfit and equipment for safety, such as earplugs, masker and boots. In the factory, the students showed the filling process, forging the milk can, packing the milk etc. The company visit session to PT Frisian Flag Indonesia ended with group photo and exchange of token from IO FEB UI.