Budi Frensidy: Pepesan Kosong dalam Portofolio Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Senin (12/10/2020), Guru Besar Keuangan dan Pasar Modal FEB UI, Budi Frensidy merilis tulisannya yang dimuat koran Kontan, rubrik Bursa – Wake Up Call, halaman 3, yang berjudul “Pepesan Kosong dalam Portofolio”. Berikut artikelnya. “Pepesan Kosong dalam Portofolio” Apa...Read More
Kiki Verico: A frozen winter for the global economy and Indonesia’s response by: Kiki Verico, Ph.D., Vice Director – Economic and Community Research Institute DEPOK – (Monday, October 12, 2020) As a result of continuing COVID-19 outbreaks in a number of countries, the global economic recovery is expected to take longer, getting closer to...Read More