Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship, “Social Media Entrepreneurship”
DEPOK – (1/11/2021) On Monday, the Faculty of Economics and Business organized a Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship, focusing on Social Media Entrepreneurship. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Mohammad Saud Khan, Senior Lecturer from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and moderated by Aswin Dewanto Hadisumarto, S.E., M.I.A., Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.
The lecture began by an explanation from Dr. Saud regarding the inequality or gap that occurs in the society; ranging from gender gap, jobs, rising protectionism, even to a digital divide. These issues were then further exarcebated by the pandemic, showing that the richest 10% experienced increases in wealth, compared to other income groups. These conditions affect how entrepreneurship evolves; since entrepreneurship is one of many processes that seeks to solve society’s problems. It acatually leads to the framework of Society 5.0, which is human-centered, sustainable, innovative, balances economic development and reduction in social problems, and seeks an integration of physical and cyber space.
Dr. Saud presented a case study on a blogger who managed to capitalize on his blog when he received an offer from a publishing company to publish his articles as a book. He became a top blogger from his writings, which ranged from his hobbies to clinical psychiatry cases as the most popular topics.
Dr. Saud explained the methodology being used to conduct the study, through content analysis of the blogs, and the findings. These findings show that the ability to create an exciting story can increase unique visitors and the opportunity for co-creation in collaborating with other bloggers, or even become endorsers. In addition, one important aspect that should be present is the professional qualifications and skills; as the blogger in the case study happens to be a qualified psychiatrist. He can further monetize his blog by offering professional consultations via Skype and getting offers from other companies.
The study shows that there is a business model that can be employed through social media entrepreneurship, which is based on the opportunity for co-creation of combining the bloggers’ social capital and opportunity shared with other stakeholders. (hjtp)