Strategies for Top Tier Publications Workshop from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Nino Eka Putra – Humas FEB UI
Rifqi Kartiko Fathianto ~ International Office FEB UI
DEPOK – On Thursday (15/8), Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (RPM) FEB UI organized a workshop about “Strategies for Getting Article Published in International Indexed Journal”. Prof. Ian O. Williamson, the Pro-Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Washington, New Zealand, was the speaker. The workshop was held at Auditorium KKI, 2nd Floor B Building FEB UI Depok Campus, from 08.00 am to 11.00 am. Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, PhD (Head of Islamic Business Program) acted as the moderator, while Dr. Beta Yulianita Gitaharie (Vice Dean I FEB UI) opened the workshop with her remarks. The event was also attended by Dr Dwini Handayani, the Manager of Research and Community Engagement (RPM) FEB UI.
Prof Williamson shared his experiences regarding on publishing scientific articles to top tier tier international journals. The participants, who were mainly FEB UI Master students and PhD candidates, were enthusiastically followed the workshop. Prof Williamson started his story by explaining that research question is the base of a good paper. Research question are shaped by who we are, because it affects our way of thinking and how we perceive the phenomenon around us. For example, Prof Williamson’s experience from his early days after earning from his bachelor degree, as well as his life background, does affect his main research questions for most of his research topic: the acquisition and utilization of human asset. He added that the research question should be a conceptual question, not a context question. A good paper is as good as its author, so make sure to find the right partner to conduct your research.
In conclusion, he explained there are 8 key take-aways to get accepted in indexed journals, which are: 1) complementary research partnerships, 2) focus on concept not context, 3) good data, which are more difficult to gather, 4) develop a research team, 5) it takes a community to raise a research project, 6) develop and review the paper before submission, 7) submission is a new start, not the end game, because of the numerous revisions, and 8) dissemination is important.
We thank to Prof Williamson for sharing his insights and knowledge with an interactive way. Hopefully, from this workshop, we can learn more how to prepare our research into the best form so it could be accepted into top tier journals, and ultimately could create a contribution to the academic field. (Des)