Double Degree - Economics

Designed to create graduates with skills and knowledge in micro and macro economic analysis to address the analytical and research demands of government institutions, research institutions, banking and capital markets, the private sector, industry and non-governmenta; organizations.


Scheme 2 + 2: First two years at IUP FEB UI + Two years at Partner University

7 Partner Universities (University of Amsterdam, Tilburg University, University of Birmingham, University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, Victoria University of Wellington)

Scheme 2,5 + 1,5: First two and a half years at IUP FEB UI + One and a half years at Partner University

Courtesy of Andari Pramesti Widyaningtyas, Ratih Meina Andriasti and Damaris Cherine Yeraf

International Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Mr. R. Soenario Kolopaking Building, Floor 2
Prof. Dr Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Street
Depok, 16424