Euromonitor Passport is an award-winning market research database used by the world’s top academic institutions and
Fortune 500 companies to understand the global businessenvironment in a time of rapid change and increased globalization. Passport features millions of statistics and in-depth reports on 27 industries with demographic, macro and socioeconomic data and analysis on consumers and economies in 210 countries worldwide.
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Training Database Euromonitor yang dilanggan oleh FEB UI
Yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Jumat, 3 Maret 2017
(Dapat dipilih salah satu antara sesi 1 atau sesi 2)
Sesi 1 :
Jam 10.00 sd 12.00
Sesi 2 :
Jam 13.00 sd 15.00
Tempat : Lab Komputer Pusat Sumber Belajar FEB UI Lt. 1
di Gedung Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Kampus FEB UI, Depok