

On 30th January 2018, the Public Lecture started with a opening speech by Bapak Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D as the Moderator. After that, the Speaker, Prof. Xu Yuan, deliver the lecture. He started by explaining the three puzzle of renewable energy in China. The 1st puzzle is about the Kyoto Protocol 2010 and Paris Climate...
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On 30th January 2018, FEB UI and School of Business and Economics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam just signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA was signed by Prof. Ari Kuncoro (Dean of FEB UI) and Eric Verhoef, Ph.D as the representative of the Vrije Universiteit The purpose of this cooperation is to establish academic collaboration...
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[WELCOMING SESSION FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS] We are happy to welcome the international students for the Even Semester 2017/2018! On January 24, 2018, we welcomed seven new exchange students coming from Malaysia (NTU & Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Brunei Darussalam (Unuversiti Brunei Darussalam), Japan (Keio University) and France (ESCP Eropa). We also have two other students from...
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On 17th January 2018, FEB UI held an International Seminar with the topic of “Disruptive Innovation : Business and Economic Challenges in a Globalized World” as one of the Session of the Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference (APBEC) at Soeria Atmadja Auditorium, FEB UI, Depok. The Seminar started with a keynote speech by Prof....
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On 16th January 2018, FEB UI invited Prof. Sung Joo Park (KAIST Business School) to give a talk titled “How to Succeed in the Accreditation of Business Schools : AACSB & EQUIS” The sharing session consists of many topics that are useful for FEB UI to achieve the accreditation, such as the biggest challenge for...
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DEPOK – Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka Promosi Doktor Theresia Puji Rahayu (1106126333), di ruang Auditorium Kelas Khusus Internasional, pada Senin (15/1/2018). Ketua sidang Prof. Dr. Robert Simanjuntak, dengan pembimbing, Prof. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro Jakti, Ph.D., (Promotor), Dr. Mahyus Ekananda (Ko- Promotor 1). Selaku tim penguji, Prof. Nachrowi...
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DEPOK – Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka Promosi Doktor Rosa Agustina Oyong (1006836402), di ruang Auditorium Kelas Khusus Internasional, pada Senin (15/1/2018). Ketua sidang Prof. Nachrowi Djalal, Ph.D., dengan pembimbing, Prof. Dr. Rustam Didong (Promotor), Dr. Sugiharso Safuan (Ko-Promotor 1), Dr. Perry Warjiyo (Ko-Promotor II). Selaku tim...
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DEPOK – Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka Promosi Doktor Rosmita Rustam (1206310013), kekhususan  Stratejik, di Auditorium Pascasarjana, pada Selasa (9/1/2018). Ketua sidang Prof. Nachrowi Djalal, Ph.D., dengan pembimbing, Prof. Dr. Adi Zakaria Afiff (Promotor), Dr. Tengku Ezni Balqiah (Ko Promotor 1), dan Albert Widjaja, Ph.D. (Ko Promotor...
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On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 delegations from different Universities from China attended a meeting with Universitas Indonesia, taking place in Dekanat Bulding UI Campus Depok. The delegations were Mr. Xia Hongwei, Director of the International Relations from Peking University, Ms. Bai Yan, Chief, Division of Foreign Experts, Office of International Relations from Peking University, Ms....
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DEPOK – Dalam rangka meningkatkan sarana belajar-mengajar yang nyaman dan memadai, alumni angkatan 1973 dan 1975 memberikan kontribusi terhadap sumbangan dana renovasi ruangan kelas gedung A2.05, A2.07, Labkom A & B, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, pada Kamis  (1/2/2018). Peresmian ini dipandu oleh Desti Fitriani, MA, CA, CPMA selaku Manajer VKA. Dilanjutkan dengan sambutan...
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