“A high-quality education should be an area where universities excel. Education is a key gateway out of inequalities, especially multigenerational ones.  In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip locals with The tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems. SDG 4 Explores early years and lifelong learning.”

THE Impact Rankings Methodology 2023, p. 46

Lifelong learning measures

Public resources (lifelong learning)

FEB UI provides free access to educational resources for those who are not studying at university – for example computers, libraries, online courses, and access to lectures. Real activities carried out by organizing “Non-Formal Schools” FEB UI.

Public events (lifelong learning)

FEB UI routinely organizes events at the university level open to the general public, events held include public lectures and community education events. During 2020-2021, FEB UI held 29 events. The list of events can be accessed on and

Vocational training events (lifelong learning)

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Education outreach activities beyond campus

FEB UI is very concerned about education reflected in the implementation of education for elementary school students from underprivileged families organized by student organizations ( or (

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Lifelong learning access policy

FEB UI has policies that ensure that access to these activities is accessible to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability immigration status or gender. This is as stated by the Dean of FEB UI, Mr. Teguh Danarto in his speech (access: )


Number of graduates in most recent year


Number of graduates with teaching qualification

Percentage of graduates with teaching qualifications