Juni 2017


Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis telah berhasil memantapkan diri di jajaran top elit dunia di kategori economics and econometrics serta Accounting and Finance. Untuk kategori economics and econometrics, UI menempati ranking 73 di asia, 392 di dunia, dimana peringkat ini melampaui beberapa universitas top dunia seperti university of kent, university of liverpool, university of ljubljana, university...
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DEPOK – Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen (PPIM) FEB UI mengadakan guest speaker yang bertempat di gedung Pascasarjana FEB UI, lantai 4, ruang 401-403, pukul 14.00 – 17.00 WIB, pada Selasa (6/6/2017). Guest speaker ini dihadiri oleh 120 peserta yang berasal dari FEB UI, mahasiswa PPIM FEB UI, Universitas Pancasila, ITB, alumni, SKK Migas, Kementerian Sosial,...
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On Tuesday (06/06/2017), a meeting was held between Mr. Prof. Debaraj Ghosal and Ms. Pooja V Ahuja as the representative of S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research along with representatives of Universitas Indonesia. The meeting took place at FEB UI Campus, Depok and the delegations were welcomed by Mr. Prof. Dony Abdul Chalid Ph....
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