“Decent work in safe and stable conditions is a vital component of helping people out of poverty, with the related aspects of reducing hunger and increasing health. The rise of precarious employment, modern slavery, and uneven growth has created threats to a sustainable future. Universities as employers can lead the way, as teachers can educate for the future, and as innovators can develop new and fairer ways of working.”

THE Impact Rankings Methodology 2023, p. 81

Employment practices

Employment practice living wage

In managing the existing human resources at FEB UI, the faculty pays all staff and faculty a living wage, which is defined as the local living wage. The basis for providing decent salaries and welfare for permanent employees is based on the Rector’s Decree Number 0264 of 2014.

SK Rektor No. 0264_Peraturan Gaji dan Kesejahteraan Pegawai Tetap UI (ID)

Peraturan rektor no. 054 thn 2017 ttg sistem remunerasi dosen tetap UI (ID)

Employment practice unions

Employment policy on discrimination

In providing welfare, FEB UI has policies to end discrimination in the workplace, including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age, or refugee status. This is done on the basis of rector’s Regulation Number 54 of 2017.

Peraturan Rektor 033 2018 Tentang Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (ID)

Employment policy modern slavery

Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing

Employment policy pay scale equity

In providing welfare, FEB UI has a policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps. The basis for remuneration is based on Rector’s Regulation Number 45 of 2017 and Rector’s Regulation Number 55 of 2017.

Peraturan rektor no. 054 thn 2017 ttg sistem remunerasi dosen tetap UI (ID)

Peraturan rektor no. 045 thn 2017 ttg penugasan dan sistem remunerasi dosen tidak tetap UI (ID)

Tracking pay scale for gender equity

Employment practice appeal process


Number of employees


Number of academic staff


University expenditure

Number of students

Didn’t have students with work placements because pandemic conditions

Number of students with work placements for more than a month

Didn’t have students with work placements because pandemic conditions

Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months