November 2019


Tim Bangun Desa Indonesia Dinobatkan Pemenang Kompetisi Bisnis MM FEB UI-Clear Sky 2019   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA – Magister Manajemen FEB UI bekerjasama dengan Clear Sky Associate (CSA) mengadakan Grand Final Business Competition yang berlangsung di ruang 216, Gedung MM, pada Senin (11/11/2019). Clear Sky Associate (CSA) merupakan sebuah NGO...
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Behind Labor Mobility Cost: Evidence In Indonesia   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB DEPOK – Indonesia is one of a country with a higher estimated labor mobility cost. Labor mobility cost means a cost when a worker has no earning while having an economic shock. For example, a worker has to stop working. Can the...
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Exploring Text Mining and Data Analysis Approaches in Reserch   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB DEPOK – Text mining, also known as text analytics, is the process of analyzing textual materials to capture key concepts and themes and uncover relationships and trends without you requiring precise words or terms that authors have used to express...
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Gender Inequality and Economic Development   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI Nurlaily Setyasari ~ International Office FEB UI DEPOK – On Wednesday (06/11/2019), FEB UI Postgraduate Program of Economics held a guest lecture entitled “Gender Inequality and Economic Development”. The event which took place from 14.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB was held in Room...
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Seminar from International Institute of Social Sciences, Netherlands Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI Nurlaily Setyasari ~ International Office FEB UI DEPOK – On Tuesday (05/11/2019), PPIE of FEB UI held a seminar with international speaker entitled “How to Find a Good Research Topic.” Mr Elissaios Papyrakis, PhD from the International Institute of Social Studies...
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Lembaga Manajemen FEB UI: BUMN Perlu Antisipasi Potensi Pasar Australia   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Salah satu faktor penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas talent di BUMN adalah penguatan aspek bisnis Internasional. Pemahaman atas global business savvy, managing diversity dan kemampuan memahami karakteristik pasar tujuan ekspor merupakan elemen penting. Karenanya dibutuhkan kegiatan...
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Tingkatkan Kompetensi Olah Data, Tenaga Kependidikan FEB UI Dibekali Pelatihan Macro dan Visual Basic Application   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) FEB UI mengadakan Pelatihan Macro and Visual Basic Application (VBA) Microsoft Excel, Business Programming for Office Automation bagi para staf kependidikan yang berada di lingkungan...
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FEB UI Raih 3 Palmes of Excellence di Eduniversal World Convention 2019 Delli Asterina ~ Humas FEB UI Bangkok (26/11/2019) – Eduniversal sebagai salah satu lembaga pemeringkat sekolah bisnis dunia yang berkantor pusat di Perancis, setiap tahunnya menerbitkan peringkat sekolah bisnis terbaik di dunia. Bertempat di Sasin Business School, Chulalongkorn University Thailand, tahun ini, FEB...
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Mahasiswa Manajemen FEB UI Juara National Business Case Competition 2019 Delli Asterina ~ Humas FEB UI Mahasiswa Manajemen angkatan 2018 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia Sheila Firda Annisarahma meraih juara 1 dalam ajang kompetisi National Business Case Competition 2019. National Business Case Competition 2019 adalah sebuah kompetisi nasional mengenai pemecahan studi kasus di Indonesia....
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Guest Speaker from Department of Accounting FEB UI Learning 7 Steps to Making a Great Presentation   Hatfan Hizriyan Syaidan ~ International Office FEB UI Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Department of Accounting FEB UI on Wednesday, November 6th, 2019 organized a training about 7 steps to making a great presentation...
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