“Women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender equality is a fundamental human right, and a foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Providing women and girls with equal access to education is akey part of delivering gender equality, but universities also have a wider role to drive forward gender equality in their communities.”

THE Impact Rankings Methodology 2023, p. 53

Student access measures

Policy for women applications and entry

In the admission process, FEB UI considers about policy for women applications and entry such as an access and participation plan addressing women’s applications, acceptance, entry, and participation at the university. Systematically attached in the following document :

Kantor Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (ID)

Women's access schemes

Women's application in underrepresented subjects

Proportion of women receiving degrees

Proportion of female degrees awarded

Women's progress measures

Policy of non-discrimination vs women

FEB UI has a non-discrimination policy against women written in the Rector’s Regulation of the University of Indonesia Number 33 of 2018

Peraturan Rektor 033 2018 Tentang Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (ID)

Non-discrimination policies for transgender

Maternity and paternity policies

Childcare facilities for students

Childcare facilities for staff and faculty

Women's mentoring schemes

Track women's graduation rate

FEB UI data on the number of graduates was recorded that in 2021 Female Graduates were 856 and Male graduates were 678.

Policies protecting those reporting discrimination

FEB UI is very concerned about discrimination. Policies protecting those reporting discrimination, reflected have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage. Also activity and community in RUANG ASA.



Number of women starting 1st degree


Number of 1st gen women starting 1st degree


Percentage of female 1st generation students


Number of senior academic staff


Number of female senior academic staff


Percentage of female senior academics


Number of degree graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences): Total


Number of degree graduates: STEM

Number of degree graduates: Medicine

Number of degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

Number of female degree graduates by subject area


Number of female first degree graduates: STEM

Number of female first degree graduates: Medicine

Number of female first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences