Improving Quality of Publication, Department of Economics FEB UI Held Mini-Conference and Academic Writing Workshop
Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI
BOGOR – In improving the quality of publications on lecturers and the latest developments that occur in the internal environment, the Department of Economics FEB UI held a Mini Conference and Workshop on Academic Writing which took place in the Blessing Room, The Forest Resort Hotel, Bogor, on (22-24 / 11 / 2019).
The activity began with the opening of the Chair of the Department of Economics, FEB UI. Followed by the presentation of material divided into 3 sessions namely sharing publications (not) difficult & strategy to search for journals, finding research ideas & publications, and turning projects into articles.
The Chair of the Department of Economics, FEB UI, Teguh Dartanto opened the course of this activity that publication is a necessity needed to become a permanent lecturer by having a jabfung to be promoted and carry out special obligations such as LK & GB. The need for new lecturers reaches 2-3 per year with relations of 1 civil servant & 2 new proposals. In addition, there are 2 PhDs in LPEM & 2 more PhDs in the next 2 years and 4 PhDs in the next 3-5 years.
“The purpose of this activity is as a meeting and friendship between lecturers of Economics, database updates, and sharing sessions on the development of the Department of Economics related to the AACSB & HR Department, refreshing & academic writing workshops. So, the focus of this activity includes sharing of publications such as obstacles encountered, lecturers who are actively publicizing, and coaching. The program’s target is expected to be able to include a draft introduction of articles, a roadmap for completion, and collaboration between lecturers, “Teguh Dartanto said.
Session 1: Sharing Publications (no) Difficult & Strategies to Look for Journals
Djoni Hartono as a lecturer at the Department of Economics FEB UI explained that the Directorate of Higher Education distinguishes three types of journal writers, namely the first, main, and new authors. When I want to publish on Scopus, the problem so far has been substantial for the journal management process. Most of the authors use the Scopus indexed Q2 SJR journal.
Teguh Dartanto, as the Chair of the Department of Economics, FEB UI, related that the strategy in choosing a good journal was called the top provider journal. The experience that often arises in Indonesia so far in journal writing is found that the introduction is always prominent at the beginning. The average paper / journal written by lecturers about the econometric methodology discussed is very good, but the weak point is in the introduction and practice analysis problems section. Meanwhile, abstracts in journals have many styles such as 150, 200, and 250.
Session 2: Looking for Research & Publication Ideas
Vid Adrison as Chair of the FEB UI MPKP Study Program, said that before submitting online, I would give a journal / paper to the three professors, where 2 professors were from UI and 1 professor from Japan. At present, the research that is mostly done is micro, because micro data is more widely available compared to macro data.
“Examples of journals related to health policy aspects, where articles and writings are very good, but it is difficult to get human reach and broader audience. So, signify into simple language so that broader audience is more easily obtained. In addition, an example of Susenas data on whether you often burn trash? From there there will be information on community behavior that burns waste often, ever, and rarely. We still have to find the research with related assisting literature. For students, I always provide input to always focus on work issues, because they understand knowledge and we are given insight from an academic perspective, “explained Vid Adrison.
Session 3: Turning Projects into Articles
Abdillah Ahsan as Deputy Head of PEBS FEB UI, said that to write a project paper to publish in the journal Scopus Q1, Q2, Q3 we must collaborate with institutions / institutions, universities related to the topics and research data that we write.
Alin Halimatussadiah as a lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UI, said that to work on a project is like a symbiotic mutualism, which means we can deliver better in terms of donors. Front looking to journal publications we are usually more serious in data, methodology, and surveys. So, it can improve the quality of consultation. (Des)