Want Your Papers be Successfully Accepted in the Top Economics Journals? These are the Strategies


Want Your Papers be Successfully Accepted in the Top Economics Journals? These are the Strategies


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – Guest Lecture in the FEB UI Econometric Series of Economics (PPIE) with the topic “Reflections in Publications with Empirical Development of Economic Journal using Data from Indonesia: Tips and Strategies” presents practitioners Senior Researchers from independent research institutions and public policy studies that take place at the Auditorium KKI, Building B, Monday (2/11/2019).

Senior Researcher at The SMERU Research Institute, Daniel Suryadarma said if you are interested in publishing a journal / paper in the Top Journals in Economics then the differences in standards to be achieved are qualitatively different. If your goals are indexed scopus or only peer reviewed and in English, most of these methods will not be relevant. So, to improve your reputation as a researcher, you must have 2-3 articles in top journals significantly.

There are 6 standards that must be met in order to be published in the top journals, namely interest by answering big questions in development, testing theories, denying the wisdom of explaining certain phenomena related to current interests. Policy / program evaluation. A conceptual framework that is clear and does not have to be mathematical. Incorporate ideas from various scientific disciplines with strong identification strategies, RCTs, semi-experimental methods on steroids. Study in semi-bayesian networks. And novel data by combining many sources.

“Examples of our journal contributions that have been published in the top journals are titled” Improving Educational quality through Enhancing Community Participation: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment in Indonesia “. The title of the journal is placed in large literature to improve the quality of education but is approached from a different angle. Then, the combination of 4 interventions consisted of 8 treatment groups and 1 control group. Testing new types of interventions with linkages and elections is an institutional reform that increases social capital. Implemented jointly with government officials,” said Daniel Suryadarma.

He continued, strategies or lessons that can be taken by you based on my experience so far as a researcher at SMERU there are 6, including first, being in the forefront with focus, reading widely, communicating with many people, your education network provides tools basic, expand and maintain. Second, take an active role by insisting on playing an active role in research, looking for opportunities to collaborate, making your own luck, looking for truly serious collaborators, throwing ideas whenever you have the chance, sharing your draft paper for feedback, and asking for slots presentation.

Third, you must be persistent and resilient. Fourth, you must be ambitious with the intention that young researchers need publications in top journals as quickly as possible, build a reputation & track record and don’t be allergic to criticism. Fifth, build good writing habits by needing to discipline yourself, instilling the progress that every year completes 2.5 papers and writes 500 words a day. Sixth, writing requires regular practice with the method that paper must be placed in the right literature, motivation and contributions must be explained, and be transparent.

“Tips for successfully publishing papers in top journals are like you need to have a fire within and need to stay on. Luck is necessary but it is not enough to just rely on luck. If it is implanted in you, your financial situation will be better in the long run. But short-term needs may dominate whether you double down or choose another path,” he concluded. (Des)