January 2020


Examined by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Master Thesis of This MPKP FEB UI Got an A   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA – Bappenas scholarship students from the Ministry of Transportation with the specificity of Urban and Regional Planning Economics in the Master Study Program in Economic Planning and Development Policy...
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FEB UI Held English Camp for S1 FEB UI Students Hana Fajria ~ Humas FEB UI Depok – The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia once again held a Basics Training Activities for Academic English Students for S1 FEB UI Students with the theme “English Camp 2020”. The event which lasted for several...
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Indah Masri Researches the Role of Multinational Corporate Tax Risk Management and Corporate Governance in ASEAN-4   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Postgraduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session of the Promotion of Doctoral Doctor Indah Masri (1406591680) at the Postgraduate Auditorium,...
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Ari Kuncoro: Indonesian Economy Welcomes 2020 Without feeling the end of 2019 is near, briefly in 2020 will be published in the eastern horizon. It is undeniable, 2019 is a tough year for Indonesia. Without feeling the end of 2019 is near, briefly in 2020 will be published in the eastern horizon. It is undeniable,...
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Toto Pranoto: BUMN Prospect 2020 2019 will pass soon. What is the performance of BUMNs in 2019 and what challenges will it face in 2020? That may be some of the questions of the public who miss the glory of future state companies. Referring to the report of SOE Minister Erick Thohir before the DPR...
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