FEB UI Holds Farewell and Welcome Event to Structural Officials
Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI
DEPOK – Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held a Structural Welcome Farewell by surrendering the decree on the dismissal of the old structural official and the decree on the appointment of a new structural official by Acting. The Dean of FEB UI in Djokosoetono’s room, Gedung Dean, on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
Pj. Dean of FEB UI, Beta Yulianita Gitaharie in his remarks said that in the course of an organization the change of structural officials was normal and needed to be addressed properly. But this change is indeed a big change in the FEB environment. Starting with the election of the FEB Dean, Ari Kuncoro became UI Chancellor last December. Following the appointment of WD 2, Vita Silvira became Vice Chancellor for Field 2, and the appointment of several structural officials at FEB to become UI Rector’s officials, then several positions needed to be filled. Plus a number of structural official lecturers who continued their education to S-3 level, then the position that must be replaced increased. This is the twists and turns that occur today that some come and some go.
In line with this, in the framework of the ongoing AACSB accreditation, Beta also asks structural officials or lecturers to immediately update their activity data into the lecturer activities report to meet the accreditation requirements. The updated data will be entered into the system by the AACSB secretariat team.”On this day, FEB UI held a welcoming and welcoming event by releasing the old officials who had completed their duties well and we are grateful for the contribution and hard work so far. At the same time we also welcome officials who have just joined in the hope of continuing the spirit that has been fostered well. We ask for a good and sincere cooperation in order to advance FEB UI,” said Beta Yulianita Gitaharie.
Following is the List of Names of FEB UI Old-Structure Dismissal Submission Decrees:
1. Desti Fitriani, S.E., M.A. (Chief Secretary).
2. Rafika Yuniasih, MSM (Secretary of the Accounting Master Program – Professional Accountant Program (PPAk.).
3. Vid Adrison, Ph.D. (Chair of the Study Program Masters in Economic Planning and Development Policy).
4. Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D. (Secretary of the Study Program Masters in Economic Planning and Development Policy).
5. Syarifah Liza Munira, Ph.D. (Chair of the Masters Program in Economic Population and Labor).
6. Arief Wibisono Lubis, S.E., M.Finn., Ph.D. (Chair of the Regular S1 S-1 Management Study Program).
7. Dr. Dwini Handayani (Research Manager).
8. M. Malik, S.E., M.Ak., CPMA., CIA. (General Manager) ~ Termination of Decree Early May.
Following is the List of New SK Structuring Officer FEB UI Appointment Name:
1. Herda J.T Pradsmadji, S.E., M.Pd. ((Chief Secretary).
2. Nanda Ayu Wijayanti, Ph.D. ((Secretary of the Master of Accounting Study Program-Professional Accountant Program (PPAk.).
3.Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D. (Chair of the Study Program Masters in Economic Planning and Development Policy).
4. Yohanna M. L. Gultom, Ph.D. (Secretary of the Study Program Masters in Economic Planning and Development Policy).
5. Dr. Dwini Handayani (Chair of the Masters Program in Population and Labor Economics).
6. Maria Ulpah, Ph.D. (Chair of the Regular Bachelor’s Degree Study Program)
7. Dr. Ancella A. Hermawan, MBA., CA., ACMA., CGMA (Acting Chairperson of the Master of Accounting Study Program-PPAk.).
8. Dr. Dwi Nastiti Danarsari, M.S.M. (Research Manager).
9. Hendro Sulistio, S.Kom. (General Manager) ~ Decree of Early May.
10. Fahrul Ismaeni, S.E., S.H., M.H. (HR manager). (hjtp)