LPEM Webinar, Thinking Ahead: Indonesia’s Agenda of Sustainable Recovery From Covid-19


LPEM Webinar, Thinking Ahead: Indonesia’s Agenda of Sustainable Recovery From Covid-19


Hana Fajria – FEB UI Public Relations Officer

 DEPOK – (31/8/2020) FEB UI’s Economic and Community Research Institute (LPEM), in collaboration with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and Katadata, held a webinar titled “Thinking Ahead: Indonesia’s Agenda of Sustainable Recovery from Covid-19”, on Monday (31/08/2020). The event was aimed at disseminating the results of a study conducted by LPEM FEB UI. The study results will be published in a book in collaboration with the Bappenas.

The webinar presented a number of speakers, including Bappenas Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources Dr. Arifin Rudiyanto and LPEM FEB UI Director Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah, Ph.D.

The first session focused on the sub-topic “Examining the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemicto discuss the socio-economic impacts of Covid-19, particularly in Indonesia, based on a comprehensive study conducted by LPEM FEB UI researchers Teuku Rifki and Chairina Hanum under the guidance of FEB UI researcher and lecturer Jahen Rizki Ph.D.

The next sub-topic was “Putting Sustainability Agenda in the Economic Recovery Plan: What Can We Learn from Other Countries?”, which was presented by speakers Robi Kurniawan and Puspa Amri. The session focused on the initiatives taken by other countries to respond to Covid-19 using sustainable instruments. The session was moderated by FEB UI researcher and lecturer Shauqie Azar, M.PP.

 Pemaparan pada sesi 2 disampaikan oleh Tim Peneliti LPEM FEB UI, Wildan Anky dan Atiqah Amanda Siregar, dengan sub-topik “Sustainable Economic Recovery for Indonesia”. Sesi kedua secara khusus membahas mengenai rekomendasi agenda pemulihan COVID-19 untuk Indonesia dengan mengimplementasikan aspek keberlanjutan dan dipandu oleh I Dewa Gede Karma Wisana, Ph.D., Associate Director dan peneliti di Lembaga Demografi FEB UI.(hjtp)

The second session, titled “Sustainable Economic Recovery for Indonesia,” was presented by LPEM FEB UI research team members Wildan Anky and Atiqah Amanda Siregar. The second session was dedicated to a discussion on the recommendations for Indonesia’s Covid-19 recovery through sustainable measures. The session was moderated by FEB UI Demography Institute Associate Director and researcher I Dewa Gede Karma Wisana, Ph.D.

Watch the full video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01Ke-Z9o_s
