Ari Kuncoro at the HK Academy Webinar “Trans Sumatra Toll Road: Accelerating Indonesia’s Economic Growth Through Infrastructure Development”


Ari Kuncoro at the HK Academy Webinar “Trans Sumatra Toll Road: Accelerating Indonesia’s Economic Growth Through Infrastructure Development”


Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI

DEPOK – (9/9/2021) The Rector of Universitas Indonesia and Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Ph.D., was a speaker at the HK Academy Webinar, bringing the theme “Trans Sumatra Toll Road: Accelerating Indonesia’s Economic Growth Through Infrastructure Development” on Thursday (9/9/2021).

In his presentation, Professor Ari Kuncoro said that the infrastructure development of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) could connect agglomeration centers in Sumatra to synergize with each other so as to encourage inclusive growth and be able to reduce poverty, income distribution inequality, and absorb more workers. Given that so far on the island of Sumatra, there are 3 regions as centers of economic growth that rely on the advantages of mining and plantations that are not connected and only growing locally, including Riau, North Sumatra, and South Sumatra.

Meanwhile, the presence of JTTS will not only increase the mobility of the people of Sumatra, but also increase economic growth in other sectors. “This encourages people to be more connected and easier to transact, thereby increasing domestic purchasing power in Sumatra. Slowly, the trade, hotel and restaurant sectors will begin to share roles with the manufacturing and plantation sectors.” Prof. Ari said.

Prof. Ari continued, the better infrastructure connectivity can connect rural and urban areas in a job opportunities that give residents access to improve economic welfare. In addition, social programs from the government also help inform people in the informal sector who have been living outside the mainstream of purchasing power.
