English Assesment Centre

English Assesment Centre ( ESAC)

To be able to compete on the international job market in the era of globalization, FEB UI graduates must be able to communicate in an international language. This means that mastery of the English language is crucial not just to read English textbooks but also to communicate orally and in writing. The English Self-Access Center (ESAC) is designed to provide additional facilities so that students can improve their English language skills.

The ESAC is a facility provided by FEB UI, especially for its students, to learn English independently. The center aims at ensuring that FEB UI graduates are proficient in English as an international language so that they are able to compete in the international job market in this era of globalization. To achieve the goal, the ESAC is equipped with Language Laboratories, Discussion Corners, Presentation Rooms, Computer Corners, Listening Corners, Video Corners, Reading Rooms, Consultation Rooms.

The ESAC is open to all FEB UI students as well as students from other faculties and programs at the University of Indonesia. To become a member of the ESAC and obtain membership cards (that must be shown upon every visit to ESAC), students must meet the administrative requirements, including by filling in membership forms and submitting passport photos.

Opening Hours

All facilities at the ESAC are available for students on:

Monday – Friday : 08.00-16.00 Western Indonesia Time

Saturday : Leave