Congress of Indonesian Diaspora 6, Bringing Diaspora from Different Parts of the World


Congress of Indonesian Diaspora 6, Bringing Diaspora from Different Parts of the World, Jakarta – (14/8/2021) The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world. Various efforts have been made to reduce the rate of the spread of Covid-19. Efforts such as limiting community activities and increasing vaccinations so that Indonesia will soon be free from Covid-19.

The Congress of Indonesian Diaspora 6 (CID-6) which will be held on Saturday (14/8/2021) carries the theme “Post Covid-19: A Stronger Indonesia with Diaspora” to bring together diaspora from various parts of the world and from all walks of life to contribute ideas to the public as well as discussing with relevant stakeholders. All of this is done for one purpose, so that Indonesia can rise and recover even stronger after the pandemic.

“We will talk a lot about diaspora power. The power to connect, the power to create, the power to collaborate, and the power to contribute.” said Dino Pati Djalal as the founder and initiator of the Indonesian Diaspora Network (IDN) Global.

President of IDN Global, Said Zaidansyah revealed that the CID-6 theme was brought up because it was believed that Indonesia would be stronger and better after Covid-19 with active participation and contributions from various elements of society, including the Indonesian diaspora.

The seminar, as the core of the event, will be held on August 14th. This seminar will be divided into 5 sessions.

The first session discussed the role of diaspora in nation building and will present Mari Elka Pangestu, Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnership of the World Bank, and other diaspora. The first session will be opened with a discussion of the diaspora with millennials represented by Putri Tanjung.

The second session will discuss technology that will determine the fate of Indonesia in the future. This session will reveal the role of diaspora abroad related to technology. Including communication technology, health technology, and other technologies. One of the invited speakers was Indra Rudiansyah who is part of the AstraZeneca vaccine research team.

The third session will discuss Indonesian migrant workers during the Covid-19 era. This session explores what challenges they face in the midst of the pandemic, what they are doing to improve their resilience and what they are doing to help Indonesia.

The fourth session will discuss how to improve the quality of education in Indonesia after Covid-19. It is hoped that this session can contribute ideas about what kind of education system can be implemented in Indonesia, considering that the education sector is one of the most affected sectors.

The last and fifth session, will discuss efforts to accelerate economic recovery during the pandemic. Decrease in tourist visits, layoffs, and others can have an impact on other aspects, namely education and health. One of the speakers presented for this session was Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The speakers who will attend include Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnership World Bank Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Laksana Tri Handoko, Researcher at Jyvaskyla University Finland Ratih Adiputri, AstraZeneca Vaccine Research Team Indra Rudiansyah, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mahendra Sireger, Adjunct Professor of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, NY, Iwan Jaya Azis and many others.

“Essentially, this seminar is to gather new ideas, bright ideas from our diaspora who compete abroad, then marry them with domestic policy makers, so that beneficial recommendations for Indonesia will be produced.” said Yurdi Yasmi, vice president of Indonesian Diaspora Network Global on Saturday (31/7).

