Center For Education and Learning

in Economics and Business


Center For Education and Learning in Economics and Business (CELEB) FEB UI

List of FEB UI Credit and Non-Credit MOOCs, 2020-2022

Pengaruh teknologi terhadap penyelengaraan pendidikan semakin lama semakin terasa. Demikian juga dengan pengaruh gerakan Open Access. Kedua hal ini turut mendukung berkembangnya Massive Open Online Courses atau yang dikenal dengan singkatan MOOCs. MOOCs merupakan sarana pendidikan yang mengusung prinsip keterbukaan dan memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi sehingga memungkinkan keterlibatan peserta dalam jumlah yang banyak. Tren ini perlu diketahui para tenaga pendidik agar mereka dapat memanfaatkan MOOCs, turut membagi informasi mengenai MOOCs kepada masyarakat luas dan memainkan peran-peran baru terkait dengan penyelenggaraan MOOCs.


Tujuan pembelajaran tersebut adalah agar peserta mampu memahami konsep MOOCs di lingkungan UI, mampu mempersiapkan materi berupa file serta forum diskusi, menjelaskan penggunaan MOOC dalam kaitannya sebagai pelengkap sistem pendidikan jarak jauh.

No. List of MOOCs Year 2020-2022 Major
1 Organizational behavior S1 Management
2 Financial Management S1 Management
3 Introduction to Business S1 Management 
4 Business Policies and Case Studies S2 Magister Management
5 Leadership and Organizational Behavior S2 Magister Management
6 Strategic Management S2 Magister Management
7 Microeconomics 1 S1 Economics
8 Financial Accounting 1 S1 Accounting
9 Islamic Business S1 Islamic Business
10 Business Research Methods S1 Management 
11 History of Civilization and Islamic Economic Thought 1-3 S1  Islamic Economics
12 Introduction to Game Theory S1 Economics
13 Islamic Capital Market : Shariah Stock S1 Islamic Business


No. Plan of MOOCs Year 2022 Major
1 Introductory Macroeconomics S1 Economics
2 Statistics for Economics and Business S1 Economics
3 Operation Management S1 Management
4 Financial Markets and Institutions S1 Management
5 Cost Accounting S1 Accounting
6 Taxation 1 S1 Accounting
7 Takaful and Retakaful S1  Islamic Economics
8 Islamic Microeconomics S1  Islamic Economics
9 Islamic Accounting S1 Islamic Business
10 Introduction to Islamic Finance and Institutions S1 Islamic Business
11 History of Civilization and Islamic Economic Thought S1  Islamic Economics

The list of developed case studies, in 2022:

  • 1. Thenblank : Should it be omnichannel?
  • 2. The initiatives of diversity and inclusion : building the aspiration of people with a disability in the workplace
  • 3. PT Jaminan Kredit Indonesia: Human Resource Issues and Strategy
  • 4. Investree: Strategy to Achieve MSME Financial Inclusion in the midst of Fintech vs Banking Ecosystem Landscape Dynamics within Indonesia Market
  • 5. Connecting Kindness



Contact Person Office

Economics Department Building 2nd Floor
UI Depok Campus

( Muhamad Nurjamal )