Promosi Doktor PPIE FEB UI, Heni Hasanah Analisis ‘Dampak Upah Minimum terhadap Kerawanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Pekerja Formal dan Efek Limpahannya terhadap Pekerja Bebas’ Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – (22/01/2024) Program...Read More
Promosi Doktor PPIE FEB UI, Beta Septi Iryani Teliti ‘Essays on economics of hospitality: evidence from hotel and accommodation sector in Indonesia’ Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – (22/01/2024) Program Pascasarjana Ilmu...Read More
FEB UI Jadi Tuan Rumah Focus Group Discussion and Strategic Meeting Kolaborasi AACSB, LAMEMBA, AFEBI: Exploring Potential Collaboration Synergies Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA (18/1/2024) – Dalam rangka kerja sama dengan...Read More
Hadiri Seminar on Business Education Cooperation and Forum on Chinese Enterprises Investing in ASEAN di Shanghai, FEB UI Rintis Strategic Collaboration dengan Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK...Read More
Promosi Doktor PPIM FEB UI, Dyah Kartika Rini Selidiki ‘Determinant factor of resilient voter towards deviant information: The empirical study of politician branding in Indonesia elections’ Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK –...Read More
Promosi Doktor PPIM FEB UI, Agung Artha Kusuma Teliti Interaksi Consumer To Consumer Pada Komunitas Brand Online: Pendekatan Teori Social Kapital Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – (11/1/2024) Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen...Read More
Promosi Doktor PPIA FEB UI, Muhammad Faisal Gali ‘Determinan, Moderasi, dan Trade-off Penghindaran Pajak Nonconforming dan Conforming: Analisis Lintas Negara’ Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – (17/01/2024) Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Akuntansi (PPIA)...Read More
Promosi Doktor PPIM FEB UI, Boy Bayu Idisondjaja Kaji ‘The Role of Resource Structuring, Marketing, and Networking Capabilities in Forming DMO Orchestration Capability toward Sustainable Value Creation’ Rifdah Khalisha – Humas FEB UI DEPOK...Read More
Fenomena BREN dan Valuasi Tinggi Sektor Energi Baru dan Terbarukan Oleh: Prof. Dr. Budi Frensidy – Guru Besar Keuangan dan Pasar Modal FEB Universitas Indonesia KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. (15/1/2024) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG)...Read More