Management Research Center FEB UI Held Systematic Literature Review Workshop
Melva Costanty – Humas FEB
DEPOK – The preparation of a literature review is an important part of scientific research. The literature review will support the solution of the problem under study while understanding the problem more deeply following the scientific thinking framework. However, to get good literature compiled requires a lot of reading and this takes a long time. Therefore, maximizing the use of technology is suggested to help arrange and shorten the time needed in compiling a literature review.
Therefore, Ihe Indonesia Capital Market Review (ICMR), Management Research Center, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held a Systematic Literature Review Workshop Using NVIVO in the Lab. Computer, Building A, FEB UI, Depok Campus (5-6 / 12/2019).
Zaafri Ananto Husodo, Ph.D., Chief Editor of the Indonesia Capital Market Review conveyed the introduction of the Indonesia Capital Market Review and the journals managed by the Management Research Center, FEB UI and the process of publishing scientific articles. Zaafri also said that one of the mistakes often made in writing scientific journals in Indonesia is to focus on research methods and forget about good topics. “They are very happy to use sophisticated methods, which may not even be necessary. What they forget is often a good topic. A good topic, with good questions. It can be found in good literature reviews,” he added.
Dr. Sari Viciawati Machdum, researcher and lecturer at Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), University of Indonesia gave an introduction to the literature review. “The literature review covers how deeply you know the research topic, what concepts and theories are relevant to your research, what research methods have been done related to the research theme and is there anything that is not yet known about your research topic?” Sari also gave an example from her experience doing research.
Fulgensius Surianto, S.Fil., M.Kesos bersama asisten pengajar, Marsianus Wawo Daso, S.Fil, memberikan pengenalan dan panduan penggunaan aplikasi NVIVO untuk memaksimalkan Systematic Literature Review.
Fulgensius Surianto, S.Fil., M.Kosos with his teaching assistant, Marsianus Wawo Daso provided an introduction and guidance on using the NVIVO application to maximize Systematic Literature Review. This application helps data management and analysis and can measure sentiment from social media. “This software is very qualitative. Researchers who provide coding specifically who read the data are positive and negative sentiments. That the one who plays an important role in qualitative research is the researcher, (the application) helps researchers to be faster,” said Fulgensius.
The participants of this activity were postgraduate, graduate and doctoral students, as well as lecturers who were conducting research. This event is a series of events organized by the Management Research Center after previously the MRC also organized the 2019 ASEAN Marketing Journal Mini-Symposium at The Margo Hotel, 26-27 November 2019. (Des)