Benchmarking of Curriculum Management and Study Program, Department of Economics Receives a Visit from Lambung Mangkurat University
Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI
DEPOK – Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia received a visit from Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, in Room D. 303, Building B,
FEB UI, Depok Campus (03/12/2019).
FEB UI, Depok Campus (03/12/2019).

The representatives of Lambung Mangkurat University, Dr. Ahmad Greece, SE, M.Sc, Chair of the Department of Economics and Development Studies, Dr. Ir. M. Anshar Nur, MM, Chair of the Institute for Economic Development Studies, Dr. Rizali, MP, Chair of the Masters in Economics, and Drs. M. Saleh, MP, Senate member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin received by Teguh Dartanto, SE, M.Ec, Ph.D, Chair of the Department of Economics, Chaikal Nuryakin, Ph.D., Chair of the Regular S1 Study Program Economics, Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D., Secretary of the Master’s Program in Economic Planning and Development Policy, Endang Y, Ashintya Damayanti and Dewi R. Sjari, Academic Staff of the Department of Economics.

Ahmad Yunani, SE, M.Sc, Chair of the Department of Economics and Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University said this visit in the context of a comparative study of the management of study programs and curriculum. “We want to improve the quality of the Department of Economics and Development Studies at Lambung Mangkurat University, then we want to see how the curriculum is here to improve the curriculum that is in our study program. We also want to see the thesis process here. the economy here is how it is implemented, so we can improve management in our place, ” Ahmad said.
Ahmad also stated the reason for their visit to FEB UI. “We see (FEB UI) as one of the indicators of the best universities in Indonesia. This FEB is our role model that can be one of our role models in the region because we admit that there are many pretty good things we can take in UI. “

In the question and answer session, funding, curriculum, academic quality assurance, to the writing system of the final work were also a warm discussion.

FEB UI is a member of AFEBI and AFSEPI, Chaikal Nuryakin, Ph.D., Chair of the Regular S1 Study Program in Economics, said that such activities are often carried out for benchmarking the curriculum. “So we have board associations or heads of study programs and heads of departments of economics and development studies throughout Indonesia. And we always have big meetings once a year, but then, there are also small meetings, such as meetings between managers, like a visit to UI, or UI visit another education institution, “said Chaikal.
Chaikal added that several other universities are still following the old patterns that have been passed at FEB UI. “If we look at their curriculum it is still in the 90s that we used to do it that way, Yes we are also quite difficult to meet these changes especially in the regions.”
Ahmad Yunani expressed his impression of the visit, comparative study to FEB UI. “We were very well received. We also saw visibility in curriculum management and the study programs, I think this is so our study programs could develop not too bureaucratic. So how about courage in innovation.” (Des)