These are the Tips for Successful Career Begins from Maybank MasterClass
Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI
DEPOK – Preparing for the work is the next stage after finishing studying in college. Since the beginning, knowledge, and strategies are needed to achieve success in the future career path. Based on his experience, Muhamadian Rostian, Director of Legal, Compliance and Corporate Secretary of Maybank Indonesia, shared the key to success in a career.
Success can begin with knowing yourself. “Don’t be afraid to dream, build a vision of the dream you want to achieve. Find strength and uniqueness in yourself and make it strength as well as personal attraction,” Muhamadian said.
When entering the workforce, work attitude and ethics become one of the important factors. “A positive mindset, a proactive attitude, easy to get along with. Build a good reputation. Courageous. Confident. Focus. Show enthusiasm and not give up easily, and work smart will give a good chance,” he said.
These tips were shared by Muhamadian Rostian, Director of Legal, Compliance and Corporate Secretary of Maybank Indonesia, in the MasterClass organized by the Career Development Center (CDC) of FEB UI in collaboration with Maybank at the Student Center, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (/ 12/2019 ).
With the theme ‘My 17 Career advice that will get you to the top bank’, Dian expressed pleasure being able to share experiences. “They need help navigating the career world, so if they can understand so they are coming because of the uncertain things in the working world when they enter they are not surprised. They know. Like people want to take a test, given these tips. I always love talking to young people, because young people are where they can be formed. “
In addition to sharing career tips, there is also a career clinic organized by Maybank Human Capital Operations.
Zharfan Muhammad Shidieq, Maybank’s Young Talent Pipeline & Employer Branding, Human Capital Operation, said that in this activity participants could consult about career plans as well as applying for jobs. “We also want to share information about what kind of career in Maybank is the same for the recruitment process if anyone is interested in joining Maybank. We have a pipeline program, where the pipeline program is a special program for friends who are fresh graduates usually. on Maybank ” (Des)