Adhi Setyo Santoso Studied Eventual Logic in Open Innovation in Multi-Sided Platform in Indonesia Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Postgraduate Management Program in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session of Doctoral Promotion Adhi Setyo Santoso (1506771104) which took place at the Auditorium of the Postgraduate...Read More
Studying Human Resource Management Practices, PPIM FEB UI Students Visited PT. Sagatrade Murni Banuratih ~ Humas PPIM FEB UI DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program (PPIM) conducted a Company Visit to PT. Sagatrade Murni in the context of learning “Human Resource Management Practices for Competitiveness Excellence”, on Thursday (12/12/2019). This company visit is intended...Read More