Studying Human Resource Management Practices, PPIM FEB UI Students Visited PT. Sagatrade Murni


Studying Human Resource Management Practices, PPIM FEB UI Students Visited PT. Sagatrade Murni


Banuratih ~ Humas PPIM FEB UI

DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program (PPIM) conducted a Company Visit to PT. Sagatrade Murni in the context of learning “Human Resource Management Practices for Competitiveness Excellence”, on Thursday (12/12/2019).

This company visit is intended for students of the Masters Program (S-2) for lectures in the Human Resources Management class for Competitiveness Excellence. PT. Sagatrade Murni (STM) has been producing quality oilfield equipment since 1984 in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. STM products have been running successfully in almost every oil and gas producing region in the world by a broad spectrum of customers ranging from large oil companies to service contractors and small independent operators.

Human Resources Manager PT. Sagatrade Murni, Gati Prasetyo explained the system of recruitment, remuneration, incentives and some HR evaluations at PT. Pure Sagatrade. Where one of the company’s mission is to increase the ability and capacity of superior human resources to encourage sustainable profit growth.

For this reason, in the future it is necessary to have Job Analysis on the positions and KPI (Key performance Indicators) of existing HR. “For students who will be involved in the HR world that they must have 4 characteristics namely stable emotions, wide networking, easy to get along, and have good industrial relations (to employees / HR and other parties related to the company),” the lid. (Des)