Jakarta MRT Shared Knowledge of Digital World Consumption Behavior to PPIM FEB UI Students


Jakarta MRT Shared Knowledge of Digital World Consumption Behavior to PPIM FEB UI Students


Banuratih ~ Humas PPIM FEB UI

DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program (PPIM) FEB UI invites practitioners to give a Guest Lecture delivered by the Jakarta MRT company which took place in room 405, Postgraduate Building, on Thursday (5/12/2019).

The Head of Commercial & Retail Division of the Jakarta MRT company, Rendy Primartantyo delivered about Consumer Behavior in the Digital World. At present, the digital or technological era is increasing and of course consumer behavior is very diverse. Consumer data as a valuable asset for producers is used to find out and adjust the target market to be achieved by producers in selling their products in the form of goods or services.

“With the use of digital technology, producers can obtain consumer data through their behavior in buying products. So producers can process the data to develop and advertise their products to be more targeted,” he said.

The topic is very interesting and in accordance with the era where technology is increasingly associated with current consumer behavior. The students who came from the specialty of Marketing (S-2) Regular class of 2019 and Marketing Matriculation (S-3) of class of 2019 listened to the Guest Lecture enthusiastically, because it could add insight knowledge. The event was closed by handing over certificates and souvenirs by Adi Zakaria Afiff who is a lecturer who teaches Consumer Behavior courses. (Des)