Zaekhan Studied Decoupplling Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in the Manufacturing Industry
Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI
Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI
DEPOK – Postgraduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session on Doctoral Promotion of Zaekhan (1306435556) at the Postgraduate Auditorium, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok Campus, on Friday (12/20/2019).


This Doctoral Promotion Session is chaired by Prof. Dr. Ine Minara S. Ruky, with a supervisor, Prof. Nachrowi D. Nachrowi, Ph. D (Promoter), Dr. Djoni Hartono (Co-Promoter 1), and Dr. Widyono Soetjipto (Co-Promoter 2). As a testing team, Diah Widyawati, Ph. D (Chief Examiner), Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., Vid. Adrison, Ph.D., T. M. Zakir Machmud, Ph.D. and Daniel Suryadarma, Ph.D.

The dissertation was titled “Decoupling Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in the Manufacturing Industry (Indonesia). Zaekhan chose this topic because of concerns about energy security, especially energy from fossils that are still widely used. The use of fossil energy has an impact on climate change because it emits CO2 and causes warming Zaekhan is also interested in knowing the standard of energy use in his industry.

“The condition in Indonesia is not only the condition of Indonesia, but the condition in the world there is the issue of energy security. So, our fossil energy is increasingly depleted. But on another hand, if we use fossil energy continuously, with its impact on the environment it emits CO2 and it has an impact on climate change, as we feel here, there is such a thing as global warming, that’s the name of climate change, well, that’s one of my motivations, why I want to write this dissertation. What is the standard of energy usage, what kind of industry, there must be a standard. That is global demand.”
One of the challenges faced by Zaekhan in working on his dissertation is the changing annual data. However, discussions with the supervisor helped him overcome this. “I was stuck about data. Weaknesses in Indonesia, especially the data. Well, every year from several survey institutions, the incoming data is not the same as the company. So the companies that enter and exit change and it disturbs the panel data. For example, in 2010, he entered the company, but in 2011 he lost. Well, it turns out that a lot of data was lost, finally, with the results of discussions with several supervisors, we should look for consistent data, which every year there is, and that we can. had stuck for about a year. ”
Looking for discussion partners is one of Zaehan’s strategies in writing his dissertation. “Find a discussion partner. Because if we are stuck together, we get together one generation. Therefore, our togetherness must still be maintained. Because it motivates each other. Because everyone’s fate is not the same right. Now that’s if we are stuck where the problem is, what it can be helped. If stuck about the method, I go to Mrs. Asih’s house. How about the patent syntax, even though after the test the results are refuted by other examiners/friends, so keep on learning. other friends at S3 as well, if they get stuck in mathematics, they also come to me in terms of modeling, but in terms of substance they know better.”

Zaekhan conveyed his enthusiasm for other doctoral program students who were writing dissertations. “Because of our weaknesses, if it’s stuck it’s embarrassed to meet the mentor, it might be considered stupid, this can’t be or whatever. But we have to go on.”
Thus, the Leadership Council of the open session of doctoral promotion decided, Zaekhan was declared to graduate with the title of Very Satisfactory and succeeded in getting the 113th Doctoral degree in Economics. Congratulations to Dr. Zaekhan!