FEB UI Participates the Global Mandiri Education Fair 2020


FEB UI Participates the Global Mandiri Education Fair 2020


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – Secondary education is held to continue and expand basic education and prepare students to become members of the community who have the ability to hold reciprocal relationships with the social, cultural, natural environment to be able to develop further abilities in higher education or the world of work.

In welcoming a bright future, Global Mandiri High School held the Global Mandiri Education Fair 2020 with the theme “Tomorrow begins today” by inviting Public & Private Universities in the Greater Jakarta Area and abroad, one of which is the Faculty of Economics and Business UI which took place at the Function Hall, Building 1 Floor 2, Cibubur, on Tuesday (01/14/2020).

The Global Mandiri Education Fair (Edufair) provides the opportunity for universities to provide clear information about the study programs offered, facilities, excellence and future employment opportunities presented at seminars, exhibitions, booths, food / beverage bazaars. In addition, as a means for students from other schools in the area of ​​Cullinan and its surroundings.

“This activity can provide clear information about tertiary institutions especially for class XII students so that they can make the right choice for further studies that will bring students to a bright future. Meanwhile, it will also be useful for students who are still sitting in class X and XI because it will be able to provide broader insights about advanced learning both state and private institutions of higher education, both domestic and foreign,” said Rumiyaningsih as the event organizer Global Mandiri Education Fair.

The target audience of the Education Fair is 300 Mandiri Global High School students & parents of students, State and private high school students in Cibubur and surrounding areas such as SMAN 1 Cileungsi, Bunda High School, Fajar Hidayah High School, PM At-Taqwa High School, SAMS Labs School Kaizen, and Regina Caeli High School. “Hopefully, this activity will be very helpful for parents in directing their children to choose a university that suits their interests, talents and abilities,” he concluded. (Des)