The SME Center FEB UI Introduces Access to Capital at the Assistance of the South Jakarta Marine and Agricultural Food Security Service


The SME Center FEB UI Introduces Access to Capital at the Assistance of the South Jakarta Marine and Agricultural Food Security Service

On Saturday (3/10), the SME Center FEB UI in collaboration with the Marine and Agricultural Food Security Service (KPKP), South Jakarta Administrative City, held a training session for its fostered partners. This training session was conducted with the theme “Diversification of Processed and Plant Pest Control to Improve the Business Quality of Agricultural Products.” This was held online to answer the needs of fostered partners. 100 people took part in the activity and 346 participants accessed the session via theĀ  Youtube platform.

In his remarks, Hasudungan A. Sidabalok, Head of the South Jakarta Marine and Agricultural Food Security Service Office, said that this activity is aimed to provide preparation for the South Jakarta KPKP partners in utilizing their processed products to generate profits. In addition, this activity should enable KPKPĀ  fostered partners to increase their business scale.

Bertrand Antolin, a notedĀ  public figure, also gave a remark at this event. He shared that challenges emergeĀ  in various sectors, one of which is the entertainment sector. Having said so, he believed that this problem is a process of forging the fostered partners to be able to improvise and create product innovations.

The first subject regarding MSME financing from non-banking channels was delivered by Muhammad Miqdad Robbani as Head of the Business Advocacy Division, the SME Center FEB UI. Miqdad conveyed the importance of fostered partners to understand non-bank financial institutions as financing options. These institutions can consist of Pegadaian, PNM, Microfinance Institutions and others.

In addition, there are also alternative financing mechanisms that may be accessible toĀ  MSMEs, such as grants and soft loans. “Even so, this form of funding is not sustainable, as it may only provide funding for SMEs once or twice in a limited, irregular manner. Therefore, in the end, we need to get access to financial institutions.” concluded Miqdad.

The activity was continued with several other subjects related to food, marine and agricultural security. One of the topics discussed was “Natural Plant Pest Control”, which was presented by Lena Karolina from Sustainable Indonesia as well as technical training in creating processed food and agricultural products into products of interest. (hjtp)
