New Student Orientation for PPIA FEB UI Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022


New Student Orientation for PPIA FEB UI Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022


Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI

DEPOK – (26/8/2021) On Thursday (26/8), the Postgraduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (PPIA FEB UI) held an online “Odd Semester New Student Orientation for the Academic Year 2021/2022”.


The speakers present were, Yulianti Abbas, Ph.D. (Head of PPIA FEB UI Study Program), Aryo Prasetyo, S.Kom., M.M.S.I. (Head of Information Systems/Computer Services and Networks), Endang Wahyu Lestari, M.Hum. (FEB UI Learning Resource Center), Ma’ruf Pattimura (UI Central Library), Miranti Kartika Dewi, Ph.D. (Journal of Accounting and Finance Indonesia).

Commencing the event, Yulianti explained about PPIA FEB UI. At PPIA FEB UI, “The maximum limit of study for Masters programs is 6 semesters outside of academic leave. Students will receive a dropout evaluation if they do not get 9 credits and a minimum GPA of 3.00 of the number of credits they pass in the first 2 semesters or do not register academically for 2 consecutive semesters.”

“Meanwhile, the maximum limit of study for the doctoral program is 10 semesters. However, students can apply for an extension of the study period for a maximum of 2 semesters if they meet the requirements. Students will receive a dropout evaluation if they do not get a minimum score of B for the research proposal exam in semester 4, do not achieve 50 percent research in semester 6, do not achieve 75 percent research in semester 8, or do not register academically for 2 consecutive semesters” she continued.

At graduation, students will receive graduation predicate according to GPA achievement, namely Satisfactory (GPA 3.00 – 3.50), Very Satisfactory (GPA 3.51 – 3.75), Cum Laude (GPA 3.76 – 4.00), on time (4 semesters for S2 students and 8 semesters for S3 students) during the normal study period without repeating the course.

PPIA also has various supporting activities, such as training, talk shows, public lectures, research sharing, symposiums, colloquiums. Not only that, its general activities include

PPIA has various activities to support lectures, such as training, talk shows, public lectures, research sharing, symposiums, and colloquiums. Not only that, other general activities include Accounting Research forums, Econometric Consulting, and Writing Buddy.

Then, a sharing session with PPIA FEB UI alumni, Dr. Megawati Oktorina (S3 alumni representative) and Elsa Natalina (S2 alumni representative) was held with the speakers in this session.

Explanation of Online Learning Support Platform at FEB UI

Aryo hopes that all students have a platform to support distance learning or online learning, namely Microsoft Team and Microsoft One Drive.

He shared several steps to join an online class, starting from getting the class code from the lecturer, deciding to join or create a team, selecting the join team with code menu, to entering the class code. After that, students can access learning materials, upload assignments and exams, and organize discussion groups.

Meanwhile, the stages of setting up a discussion group, starting from selecting the join and create team menus, finding the name of a discussion partner, managing a team, getting a generated team code in the settings menu, and sharing the code with other discussion friends.

Guidelines of the UI Central Library and FEB UI Learning Resource Center

Endang explained the FEB UI Learning Resource Center (PSB) service facilities, such as literature and database searches, research strategy selection, journal reading guidelines, Endnote usage, and UI writing guidelines to avoid plagiarism.

Then, Ma’ruf discussed the UI Central Library. He describes Endnote, a literature database builder application for citation and bibliography management. Students can download Endnote on the page. The application has various types of styles for obtaining documents and references.

“Basically, Endnote is very beneficial because we can have data backups from various literatures that we have been looking for. Not only that, we can use it for writing citations and bibliographies. In addition, this application helps prevent plagiarism by students who quote other people’s work, but forget to include the source of their work.” Ma’ruf said.

Introduction to the Journal of the Department of Accounting (JAKI)

Miranti explained regarding data belonging to the UI library on reference sources for research journals. The data shows that 64% of the problems in online literature searches are keywords and the results do not match. Meanwhile, 92% had problems in online literature search due to searching skills.

Therefore, Miranti advised students to determine the topic based on analysis, keywords, synonyms, jargon, terms, and context. Then, go through the search, AND or NOT, and cite the article. Finally, using limitations in terms of time period, type of literature, gender, age, population, and language.

She also shared strategies to PPIA students in writing papers. She explained, “First, find out the sources of reading and find available references in reputable journals, such as Clarivate Journal with social science index, ABDC Journal, and Scimago Journal.”

“Second, recognize the environment, students can organize discussions, both with lecturers and fellow students in classrooms while studying, research forums, and invited speakers. Third, participate in workshops, econometrics training, and how to conduct efficient research. Finally, work together to read and discuss papers in groups. Talk to seniors, they have insight on how to survive in class, and make Doctoral colleagues a good source of information when they want to talk about research ideas or methodologies.” she concluded.
