November 8, 2021


LD FEB UI Regular Seminar: Use of Regional Languages ​​to Support COVID-19 Response Β  DEPOK – (30/8/2021) The Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LD FEB UI) in collaboration with the Development Studies Forum (FKP) collaborated again in holding a Regular Seminar titled “Cultural Approaches in Overcoming COVID-19” on Monday...
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World Supply Chain and Inflation By: Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Ph.D., Chancellor of the University of Indonesia Β  KOMPAS – (5/10/2021) The perception that the impact of the Delta variant will finally be controlled has become the basis for WTI oil prices to penetrate US$70 per barrel, approaching US$76.5 per barrel. In addition, China is trying...
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LM FEB UI with JMUI Holds Scientific Forum: Bridging Indonesian Management Science and Practice Β  Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (28-29/9/2021) The Management Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LM FEB UI) in collaboration with the Indonesian Journal of Management and Entrepreneurs held an online Scientific Forum,...
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MRC Management Department FEB UI Held Final Presentations of the BJM and MJM Student Competition Β  Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (29/9/2021) The Management Research Center (MRC), Management Department FEB UI together with Paragon Corp. held the Bachelor’s Journey in Management (BJM) regular competitions for students from all majors throughout Indonesia,...
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Management Department Evening Talk: Indonesia 4.0 through Social Entrepreneurship Β  Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (29/9/2021) On Wednesday (29/9), at the 71st Anniversary Series of Events, FEB UI held the Series 1 Afternoon Talk with the Management Department with the theme “Indonesia 4.0 through Social Entrepreneurship”. The presenting resource persons were...
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MEKK FEB UI Public Lecture Series with the Director General of Civil Registration, “Development of Population Administration in Indonesian Governance” Β  Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (25/9/2021) The Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dirjen Dukcapil), Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, SH, MH, was a resource person in the Public...
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LD FEB UI Regular Seminar: Occupational Health and Safety Management in Oil and Gas Companies Β  DEPOK – (29/9/2021) On Wednesday (29/9/2021), Professor of Occupational Safety and Health at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI), Prof. Dra. Fatma Lestari, Ph.D., was a resource person at the virtual Regular Seminar of the Demographic...
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Opening of the 71st Anniversary Series Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia Β  Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (29/9/2021) On Wednesday (29/9), the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) held the Opening of the 71st Anniversary Event titled “Living a Legacy”. The event took place in...
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Initial Steps for ABEST21 Re-Accreditation for MM FEB UI Β  Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (22/9/2021) In starting the re-accreditation process of the Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow (ABEST21) for the Master of Management (MM) FEB UI study program, the ABEST21 team held an Online Peer Review Visit,...
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MM FEB UI Public Lecture with the Minister of Transportation: Mobility in the Midst of the Pandemic Β  Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (24/9/2021) The Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Karya Sumadi became a resource person in the Public Lecture of the Master of Management Faculty of...
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