MEKK FEB UI Public Lecture Series with the Director General of Civil Registration, “Development of Population Administration in Indonesian Governance”


MEKK FEB UI Public Lecture Series with the Director General of Civil Registration, “Development of Population Administration in Indonesian Governance”


Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI

DEPOK – (25/9/2021) The Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dirjen Dukcapil), Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, SH, MH, was a resource person in the Public Lecture Series for Masters in Population and Employment Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (MEKK FEB UI), titled “Development of Population Administration in Indonesian Governance” which was held online, Saturday (25 /9/2021). This lecture is a course from the Indonesian Development Forum.

In his presentation, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh explained that as part of the integration of the establishment of a country, every resident in Indonesia, especially Indonesian citizens (WNI) must be given legal protection by being provided with population documents quickly, accurately, completely and free of charge. The Directorate General of Population Administration and the Dukcapil Service are in charge of managing population documents in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. Documents/population administration (adminduk) are useful in determining the validity of identity (electronic ID cards for adults and Child Identity Cards/KIA for children), protecting the status of civil rights of the population, providing national population data and information, realizing a national and integrated administrative order, and provide population data that becomes a basic reference for other sectors.

The output of administrative services contains 23 documents, namely Resident Biodata, Family Cards, electronic KTP and KIA, Certificate (Suket) Moving, Coming, Moving Abroad, Coming from Abroad, Residential Success, Birth Certificate, Birth Certificate Death Certificate, Marriage Cancellation Certificate, Divorce Cancellation Certificate, Death Certificate, Child Adoption Certificate, Indonesian Citizenship Release Certificate, Identity Replacement Certificate, Civil Registration Certificate, Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Certificate, Child Recognition Certificate, and Ratification Certificate Child.

In 2016 the Dukcapil service began to transform online, whereby the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) have started to carry out population administration for Indonesian citizens who are abroad. Currently, the population service has reached out to Indonesian citizens abroad, especially to issue population identification numbers (NIK), certificates (birth, marriage, death) in various countries that do not issue these documents. So, Indonesian citizens can come directly to the Consulate General or Embassy that handles the administration of population documents.

In addition, in February 2019 with a go-digital transformation, the Directorate General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs conducted a trial of applying electronic signatures in population documents in 12 city districts. The trial was successful and more and more Dukcapil Offices then registered themselves to participate in digital services based on digital services with electronic signatures. Starting at the end of 2019, 514 Dukcapil throughout Indonesia have been able to implement digital-based online services with an electronic signature in the form of a QR Code. Of the 24 administrative services, only electronic ID cards and KIA can be done online with digital signatures, because they are in the form of cards. This shows that there has been an extraordinary change with this online service and electronic signature, namely that everything can be completed in a fast time, can work from anywhere, outside services, meetings can still do all work. Administrative service innovations are also carried out in the form of implementing a D-Sign (electronic signature on population documents), the use of 80 gram A4 white paper, softcopy of population documents in pdf format sent to residents’ emails, registration and file uploads via the website and mobile app, and the Dukcapil Pavilion. Independent.

Not only that, population documents also apply NIK-based population big data, which can be used together for data verification and national data integration by maintaining confidential protection of personal data and data security. NIK has characters, including unique/distinctive, single and attached to a person, single identity number in public services in Indonesia.

“Therefore, ideally population data is a representation of all population life cycle data nationally, including data from birth, growth and development, adolescents, to adults and the elderly. NIK is also an access to information on individual welfare, including access to health, education, social, economic, to law and politics.” said Zudan in closing the session.
