UI Hosts National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance 2021
Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI
DEPOK – (15/9/2021) Universitas Indonesia (UI) hosted the 2021 National Student Competition for Business, Management and Finance (KBMK) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud Ristek). The competition took place on September 13-16, 2021, at the UI Faculty of Economics and Business Campus, Depok.
KBMK 2021 carries the theme “The Nation’s Children Innovation to Eliminate Poverty and Empowerment of Clean and Affordable Energy Ecosystem Potential in the Context of Preparation for the Post-COVID-19 Era, within the Framework of the Fields of Business, Management and Finance” with eight general categories and one special category.
The categories for the competition are Business Planning with Renewable Energy Ecosystem Aspects; Case Analysis of Operations Management Aspects; Case Analysis of Human Management Aspects; Case Analysis of Marketing Management Aspects; Investment Research; Investigative Audit Finance; Commercialization of Appropriate Research and Technology; and Writing Scientific Papers with Aspects of Innovation in Poverty Reduction. This year, KBMK 2021 added an activity in the form of an International Exhibition—which was fully held in English—as a forum for disseminating the work of the nation’s children to the international community.
On Wednesday (15/9), at the closing of the award night, the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, delivered his remarks, “The 2021 KMBK theme is very relevant to the current situation. Given that economic conditions were profoundly shaken when the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, it is no wonder that people continue to discuss the topic of Indonesia’s economic recovery after the pandemic.”
With conditions starting to improve, the government has been continuously promoting economic recovery. Therefore, the presence of this competition is very constructive, able to provide a venue for students to contribute in dealing with the problems of their beloved country.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D., also appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the competition, “They have comprehensive ideas in the midst of today’s uncertain conditions. The involvement of students in this competition is a tangible manifestation of their contribution to the country.”
“Students who have the opportunity to reach the semifinals are expected to be able to realize their ideas in a concrete way, so that they not only get good jobs, but also create new jobs for the wider community,” he added.
Acting Head of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asep Sukmayadi explained that KBMK is part of Puspresnas activities to spur student achievement. This competition provides a venue for students to express creative ideas in the fields of business, management, and finance in the context of economic conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic.
He hopes that students will gain a lot of new knowledge and experience while participating in this KBMK, starting from the qualifying round to the semifinals. In fact, to develop their ideas more seriously after gaining input from the jury and having discussions with other KBMK participants.
After that, Universitas Indonesia and the Center for National Achievement exchanged certificates of appreciation through representatives of both parties, namely Badrul Munir, Ph.D. (Director of Student Affairs at UI), Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D. (Acting Dean of FEB UI), and Asep Sukmayadi (Acting Head of Puspresnas Kemdikbud, Research and Technology).
The KBMK 2021 jury represents various stakeholders as an implementation of the triple helix framework, including academia, government, and industry. More than 450 teams from various regions in Indonesia have registered for the 2021 KBMK elimination selection. Of these, 88 teams competed in the semifinal and final stages.
KMBK 2021 involves various parties as supporters of the event, including from the government. These include the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture, Bappenas, and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency. Private partners who also supported the event were Bank Indonesia, the Deposit Insurance Corporation, PT Toba Bara Sejahtera, Tbk, PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, Bank Central Asia, and Bank Rakyat Indonesia. (hjtp)