PPIM FEB UI Doctoral Promotion Researches Strategic Orientations and Firm Performance: The Role of Information Technology Adoption Capability


PPIM FEB UI Doctoral Promotion Researches Strategic Orientations and Firm Performance: The Role of Information Technology Adoption Capability


Nino Eka Putra ~ Public Relations FEB UI

DEPOK – (24/8/2022) The Postgraduate Program in Management Science (PPIM), Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, held an open session for Arif Nugroho’s Doctoral Promotion on Wednesday (24/8).

The Doctoral Promotion Session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Veronica Nalurita Purnama Siregar, with supervisors Prof. Ruslan Prijadi, Ph.D. (Promoter), RR. Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, Ph.D. (Co-Promoter). The examiners were Prof. Dr. Irwan Adi Ekaputra (Chief Examiner), Avanti Fontana, Ph.D., Budi W. Soetjipto, DBA, Dr. Ira Puspadewi, and Sari Wahyuni, Ph.D..

In this open session, Dr. Arif Nugroho raised his dissertation entitled “Strategic Orientations and Firm Performance: The Role of Information Technology Adoption Capability”. Promovendus Arif Nugroho conducted research by explaining that education is vital for the growth and development of a nation. Non-formal education firms play an essential role in providing education services with different characteristics demanded in today’s market. The economic and social performance of firms depends on their behavior towards market information, use of technology, and development of necessary capabilities.

This study examines the direct influence of strategic orientation consisting of entrepreneurial, technological, and market orientations on firm performance and through information technology (IT) adoption capabilities. Research data were collected from 535 non-formal education firms in Indonesia and Singapore.

Structural Modeling Analysis (SEM) shows that only market orientation directly affects firm performance. This study suggests that IT adoption capability is critical for non-formal education firms as it fully mediates the personal effects of entrepreneurial and technological orientation on firm performance. This research makes a critical contribution by examining the impact of multiple strategic orientations on firm performance and highlighting the role of IT adoption capabilities.

In addition, this study also provides additional analysis on how research models with similar concepts may differ between Indonesian and Singaporean data sets. Moreover, although the relationships between the concepts in the two countries’ models were compared, no significant variations were found. Theoretical and managerial contributions are listed, along with research limitations and future recommendations.

The Leadership Council of the doctoral promotion open session decided that Arif Nugroho graduated with a Very Satisfactory predicate and obtained the 306th Doctoral degree in Strategic Management Science. Congratulations to Dr. Arif Nugroho!