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MEKK FEB UI Public Lecture Series, “The Role of the Pre-Employment Card Program in Supporting Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic”

MEKK FEB UI Public Lecture Series, “The Role of the Pre-Employment Card Program in Supporting Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic”   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (16/92021) Executive Director of...
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General Lecture of the Accounting Department FEB UI: The Changing Role of Accounting in Digital Transformation

General Lecture of the Accounting Department FEB UI: The Changing Role of Accounting in Digital Transformation   Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (15/9/2021) Dr. Wang Jiwei (Associate Professor of Accounting, Singapore...
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“Social Security and Worker Welfare” Webinar MSS FEB UI with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

“Social Security and Worker Welfare” Webinar MSS FEB UI with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan   DEPOK – (16/9/2021) In the context of National Customer Day, on Thursday (16/9/ 2021) the Management Student Society of the Faculty of...
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The Management Department of FEB UI Held Data Analysis Training Using R

The Management Department of FEB UI Held Data Analysis Training Using R   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (15-16/9/2021) Lecturer of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas...
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Sharia Webinar: Capital Market Investment in the Islamic Perspective

Sharia Webinar: Capital Market Investment in the Islamic Perspective By: KSPM FEB UI – 11 September 2021   Prof. Dr. (H.C.) K. H. Ma’ruf Amin – Vice President of Indonesia, the Islamic capital market has...
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Plus Minus of Pinjol (Online Lending), MUI Depok Calls Many Disadvantages

Plus Minus of Pinjol (Online Lending), MUI Depok Calls Many Disadvantages   RADARDEPOK.COM – (13/9/2021) It is important to pay close attention to Institutions that offer products. This is one of the causes of the...
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PPA FEB UI Webinar and Center for Financial Professional Development: Sustainability Reporting and Sustainable Finance

PPA FEB UI Webinar and Center for Financial Professional Development: Sustainability Reporting and Sustainable Finance   Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (10/9/2021) In the framework of the 2021 Financial Profession Quality...
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UI Hosts National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance 2021

UI Hosts National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance 2021   Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (15/9/2021) Universitas Indonesia (UI) hosted the 2021 National Student Competition for Business, Management and...
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UI Wins National Student Competition Champion in Business, Management, and Finance 2021

UI Wins National Student Competition Champion in Business, Management, and Finance 2021   Press Release – UI Public Relations DEPOK – (16/9/2021) Universitas Indonesia won awards from three competition categories in the 2021 Business, Management...
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