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The Power of Local Culture

The Power of Local Culture   Changing people’s behavior is very important in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. Communication in an understandable language, derived from the collective memory of the people, is the key to success....
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Taiwan Streams Investment to Southeast Asia

Taiwan Streams Investment to Southeast Asia   JAKARTA, KOMPAS — (8/9/2021) ASEAN countries do not have free trade agreements with Taiwan. The majority of ASEAN members also follow the One China principle. However, this does...
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The Challenge of Deficit Financing 

The Challenge of Deficit Financing    JAKARTA, KOMPAS — (8/9/2021) Financing the budget deficit is a challenge that the government must answer in the midst of efforts to recover the economy from the Covid-19 pandemic....
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Back to Equilibrium

Back to Equilibrium By: Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Ph.D. Rector of Universitas Indonesia   KOMPAS – (7/9/2021)  The annual economic growth of 7.07 percent in the second quarter of 2021 was the highest since 2005. In...
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Sri Mulyani: Strengthen State Budget Stimulus, Maintain Recovery Sentiment, Encourage Economic Growth

Sri Mulyani: Strengthen State Budget Stimulus, Maintain Recovery Sentiment, Encourage Economic Growth   Jakarta, August 25, 2021 – The Delta variant remains a big challenge in the development of the global pandemic. As of August...
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New Student Orientation for PPIA FEB UI Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022

New Student Orientation for PPIA FEB UI Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022   Rifdah Khalisha – Public Relations FEB UI DEPOK – (26/8/2021) On Thursday (26/8), the Postgraduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and...
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General Lecture for S-1 Management FEB UI “Overview of Indonesian Fintech and Financial Inclusion”

General Lecture for S-1 Management FEB UI “Overview of Indonesian Fintech and Financial Inclusion”   DEPOK – (2/9/2021) President Director of OVO as well as CEO and Co-Founder of Bareksa, Karaniya Dharmasaputra was a resource...
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Managing Director of the World Bank and Professor of FEB UI Deliver Inaugural Lecture to FEB UI 2021 New Students

Managing Director of the World Bank and Professor of FEB UI Deliver Inaugural Lecture to FEB UI 2021 New Students   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (30/8/2021) Managing Director, Development Policy...
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FE-UI’81 Alumni Appreciate Educational Staff (Tendik) and Project Room Renovation at the Department of Economics FEB UI

FE-UI’81 Alumni Appreciate Educational Staff (Tendik) and Project Room Renovation at the Department of Economics FEB UI   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI DEPOK – (2/9/2021) In the context of gratitude for 40...
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