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Bukalapak Shares Business Culture Value to MM FEB UI Students

Bukalapak Shares Business Culture Value to MM FEB UI Students   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA – In adding students’ insights into the subject of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, the Master of...
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LD FEB UI Disseminates Jakarta Vertical Land Consolidation Study Results

LD FEB UI Disseminates Jakarta Vertical Land Consolidation Study Results   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA – Vertical Land Consolidation (KTV) is feasible if it is useful and has legal certainty, and...
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LM FEB UI Discussed Strategies for Indonesian BUMN Go Global

LM FEB UI Discussed Strategies for Indonesian BUMN Go Global   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI JAKARTA – Formation of President Joko Widodo’s Cabinet Volume 2 with pressure that Indonesian BUMN must be...
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This Nachrowi Said: Scopus Should Not Be the Only Reference

This Nachrowi Said: Scopus Should Not Be the Only Reference Scopus should not be the only scientific journal indexer to refer to.Chairperson of the Academic Senate Assembly of the Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) Nachrowi...
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Toto Pranoto Review Quo Vadis BUMN Corruption

Toto Pranoto Review Quo Vadis BUMN Corruption   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Based on the release of the article published in, Expert Column (9/12/2019), Toto Pranoto as Managing Director...
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Ari Kuncoro: Strategic Trade Policy

Ari Kuncoro: Strategic Trade Policy A country with consideration of national interests can intervene in investment policies and international trade in the national interest. Brander and Spencer (1985) introduced the term strategic trade policy. This...
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Accounting Department FEB UI Invited Practitioners to Shaere Experiences in Business Analysis and Valuation

Accounting Department FEB UI Invited Practitioners to Shaere Experiences in Business Analysis and Valuation   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – In increasing students’ knowledge of the subject of analysis and the...
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Management Research Center FEB UI Held Systematic Literature Review Workshop

Management Research Center FEB UI Held Systematic Literature Review Workshop Melva Costanty – Humas FEB DEPOK –  The preparation of a literature review is an important part of scientific research. The literature review will support...
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Benchmarking of Curriculum Management and Study Program, Department of Economics Receives a Visit from Lambung Mangkurat University

Benchmarking of Curriculum Management and Study Program, Department of Economics Receives a Visit from Lambung Mangkurat University   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University...
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