
β€œThe ability to feed the world is a key element of sustainable development. If done right, agriculture, forestry and fisheries can provide nutritious food for all. At the same time it can ensure rural development with people at the centre of the process, supporting the incomes of those who rely on agriculture.”

THE Impact Rankings Methodology 2023, p. 30

Campus Food Waste

Campus food waste tracking

During 2020 and 2021 FEB UI noted that there was no food waste on campus because in that year the learning took place remotely / online.

Student Hunger

Student food insecurity and hunger


Students and staff hunger interventions


Sustainable food choices on campus

FEB UI provides sustainable food options for everyone on campus, including vegetarian and vegan food. It can be obtained from the tenant contract and there is a list of menus sold in the FEB UI canteen.

National Hunger

Access to food security knowledge


Events for local farmers and food producers


University access to local farmers and food producers


Sustainable food purchases

FEB UI prioritise purchase of products from local, sustainable sources. It can be obtained from the tenant contract and there is a list of menus sold in the FEB UI canteen.


Number of Graduates in Most Recent Year

Number of graduates from a relevant agriculture course

Percentage of graduates from agriculture

Total Food Waste


Number of Campus Population