Postgraduate of Economics FEB UI Get Input from Representatives of Kemenristekdikti in Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Regarding Quality Improvement Grants


Postgraduate of Economics FEB UI Get Input from Representatives of Kemenristekdikti in Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Regarding Quality Improvement Grants

Nino Eka Putra ~ FEB UI PR

DEPOK – The Joint Workshop which took place last October was one of a series of programs to improve the quality of the Postgraduate Study Program in Economics (PPIE) in collaboration with the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology which aims to improve the quality of S-2 and S-1 Study Program. -3 in Indonesia.

In connection with the program, PPIE FEB UI received a mandate from Kemenristekdikti to assist 4 universities, namely Lambung Mangkurat (Banjarmasin), Halu Oleo (Kendari), Merdeka Malang, and Nusa Bangsa (Bogor). Participants who attended the workshop were 23 people consisting of the Head of Study Program and the Postgraduate Director and Educators (Tendik).

On Tuesday (11/5/2019), PPIE FEB UI reported responsibility for the results of the 2019 Postgraduate Program in Quality Improvement Grant activities initiated by Belmawa Kemenristekdikti which was also attended by representatives from 4 tertiary institutions which took place in the 4th Floor Doctoral Room, Postgraduate Building FEB UI.

Head of the PPIE FEB UI S-2 & S-3 Study Program, Sugiharso Safuan reported to that the implementation of the mentoring program began by studying the results of self-evaluation (self evaluation) where each study program was required to fill out the PSQA (Quality Assurance Study Program), software developed by Belmawa Kemenristekdikti to identify the quality of each study program.

Based on the mapping of the accompanying tertiary institution, they formulated a strategy to carry out two types of activities namely curriculum surgery and specific activities in the field of community service / writing of international scientific articles. “In addition, this grant produced 7 activities, including curriculum surgery & graduate quality improvement, National Higher Education standard workshops, curriculum workshops, workshop on making RPS (Semester Learning Plan), SOP making workshops, workshops organizing Community Service Program (Community Service), training & coaching journal writing. All of these activities are evaluated in terms of successes, obstacles and improvement solutions, “Sugiharso Safuan said.

Furthermore, holding a joint workshop to get solutions to various problems by meeting, discussing, sharing experiences accompanied by competent speakers in their fields for 3 days that took place at Margo Hotel.

“After carrying out 90 percent of the activities, lessons learned from the Grant Program initiated by Belmawa Kemenristekdikti are the fostering spirit of togetherness among our fellow Economics Study Programs. We realize that by sharing with study programs from 4 regions in Indonesia, there is a lot of information that will enrich each study program if this relationship can continue. The ideas about making joint research will be very useful considering we have the advantages and uniqueness of each, “he said.

For the companion will get a variety of new information related to things that were encountered when the assistance was carried out and also established a new partnership network for the facilitator with the campus in the implementation of education, research and community service.

While the mentored parties, getting partners who are already in their network directly, can work together with the UI in order to improve the quality of study programs both in education, joint research according to the direction of research on the campus being accompanied and also community service together with a broader theme with see the cross-regional aspects formed between the escort campuses and the assisted ones.

After the completion of this program, the Higher Education which is fostered to replenish the PSQA with new knowledge obtained from the mentoring program. Thus, the PSQA value of each PT that was accompanied was increased because of the reflection of improvements.

“Thus, the results of this workshop are expected by participants to get new knowledge to take home about how to find solutions to improve quality starting from the curriculum to technical problems such as the preparation of SOPs, BRP, and so on,” he concluded.

Wisjnu Martani, a representative from Belmawa Kemenristekdikti from UGM, gave input to the Graduate School of Economics that there is a need to achieve all the activities that have been planned, management management, management of RPS to avoid overlap, and conduct learning evaluation. This quality improvement grant is done for how we learn and develop it, so FEB UI was chosen who was able and willing to assist this activity. It is expected that quality improvement grants initiated by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education can increase cooperation

Postgraduate of Economics FEB UI Get Input from Representatives of Kemenristekdikti in Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Regarding Quality Improvement Grants.