Digital Commons, An Alternative in Managing Scientific Journals


Digital Commons, An Alternative in Managing Scientific Journals 


Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI

DEPOK-Digital Commons is a platform that manages and publishes journals, conferences, proceedings, books, newspapers and campus magazines. Digital Commons is manufactured and maintained by Bepress. Since mid-2019 then, the University of Indonesia changed its journal publication platform to Digital Commons.


Facing this change, Research Center management Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, held socialization and training on the use of Digital Commons platform in Seminar Room 2, Department of Management Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok Campus (13/11/2019).

Ai Mulyana, an instructor from Universitas Indonesia’s research and innovation Product management (KPPRI) said the Digital Commons journal platform is more powerful than the previous platform. “The process is easier for the editor, visibility in search engines is also nicer with the previous one. A journal editor also who have done a comparison between the old system he used with this new system he said digital common is more powerful DG system old, “he added.

Ai Mulyana added that the UI was the first university to use the platform in Indonesia. “For the world, they have about 500 institutions that have used this platform for the whole world, but if in Indonesia new UI that uses a system like this. We are pioneers for this common digital use. “he said.

Participants of this activity are students and lecturers who manage the journal Platform of Management department, including The South East Asian Journal of Management and Asena Marketing Journal. In this session also, the participants were guided to use the in-platform, both as journal editors and journal authors.(des)