Diananda Fitria Pitari Researches the Integration of Intentions and Resistance in Adopting NFC-Based Mobile Payment Innovations


Diananda Fitria Pitari Researches the Integration of Intentions and Resistance in Adopting NFC-Based Mobile Payment Innovations


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – Postgraduate Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session of Doctoral Promotion Diananda Fitria Pitari (1406590740) which took place at the Postgraduate Auditorium, Postgraduate Building, on Tuesday (01/14/2020).

The Doctoral Promotion Session was chaired by Prof. Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi, Ph.D., with his supervisor, Prof. Dr. Sofjan Assauri (Promoter), Gita Gayatri, Ph.D. (Co-Promoter 1), and Dr. Asnan Furinto (Co-Promoter 2). As the testing team, Sari Wahyuni, Ph.D. (Chief Examiner), Arnold Japutra, Ph.D., Daniel Tumpal Hamonangan Aruan, Ph.D., Dr. Rizal Edi Halim, and Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, Ph.D.

The dissertation raised by Promovendus, entitled “Integration of Intentions and Resistance in Adopting NFC-Based Mobile Payment Innovations”. This study discusses how the influence of resistance and adoption of innovation on the behavior of innovation odopsy, where in previous studies, the intentions and risks of adopting innovation tend to be examined separately when both are forms of consumer reaction to the presence of innovation.

Integrating the two is able to provide a comprehensive analysis in developing the right marketing strategy so that innovation can be adopted by consumers. “On the resistance side of adopting innovation, this research not only examines the risk caused by the evaluation results of the innovation attributes (active innovation resistance), but also examines the resistance caused by one’s tendency to not change and maintain its status quo,” said Diananda Fitria Pitari.

The influence of consumer characteristics and network externality on the behavior of innovation adoption is also examined in this study in order to get a more comprehensive analysis. This study involved data from 300 respondents selected by non probabilistic sampling with a purposive sampling method, different from the NFC-based mobile payment target market as the context of this study.

Based on the results of data management conducted using the Structural Equation Model, this study supports that the intention and resistance of adopting innovation have a concurrent role in the behavior of adoption of innovation, where intuition influences the adoption of innovation positively, resistance should adversely affect the adoption of innovation negatively.

Not only active innovation resistance, passive innovation resistance also has a role in innovation adoption behavior. In an effort to grow the adoption rate of innovation, this study proposes various efforts to grow the adoption rate of innovation. In addition, proposing various efforts to increase the intention to adopt innovation, suppress resistance to adopt innovation, improve perception of network externality and differentiate these efforts based on consumer characteristics.

Thus, the Leadership Council of the open session of doctoral promotion decided, Diananda Fitria Pitari (1406590740) was declared to graduate with the title of Satisfaction and succeeded in obtaining the 282th Doctoral degree in Marketing Management. Congratulations to Dr. Diananda Fitria Pitari! (Des)