MM FEB UI Public Lecture: Quo Vadis SOE’s as an Agent of Development and Value Creation


MM FEB UI Public Lecture: Quo Vadis SOE’s as an Agent of Development and Value Creation


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

JAKARTA – In enhancing students’ insights to gain perspectives from business people and policy makers, the Master of Management Study Program (MM) of FEB UI held a Public Lecture with the topic “Quo Vadis SOEs as Development Agents and Agents of Value Creation through Corporate Business Practices” which took place at the Auditorium MM, on Friday (7/2/2020).

UI Rector, Ari Kuncoro gave the opening remarks that FEB UI is one of the oldest and foremost faculties at the University of Indonesia, and its work has been recognized by this nation in maintaining the direction of economic and business development. FEB UI also views the need for mastery of business knowledge and practices. So it is very important for students, especially the Masters Program (S-2) to broaden their horizons by gaining perspectives from business people and policy makers in the economic field.

“MM FEB UI is trying to build a network of business people who will become the main influencers in the business landscape in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. On this occasion, MM FEB UI held a public lecture to discuss the role of SOEs in the economy which was being warmly discussed by many academics and regulators. With various issues that have been confronted and faced, SOEs remain as agents of development and value creation,” said Ari Kuncoro.

Deputy Minister of SOEs, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo gave public lecture material on sharing sessions of the ministry of state owned enterprises 2019-2024. The main priority work program of the Ministry of SOEs in the next 5 years is to innovate business models, increase economic & social values ​​for Indonesia (supporting food security, energy, health and the environment), develop skills to prepare superior human resources, have leadership skills with sophisticated technology , and able to provide energy to encourage investment from within and outside the country.

“Therefore, the role of Indonesian SOEs as stipulated in Law 19/2003 contains that SOEs must balance their roles as value creators and development agents. The creator of the intended value is the contribution of SOEs to Indonesia continues to increase, the total assets of SOEs must develop, SOE business expansion into regional and global markets. There are currently 140 SOEs in various business sectors ranging from information & telecommunications to Agriculture, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,” said Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

He continued, examples of high-level work clusters in MSOE include giving energy to investment through the Sovereign Wealth Fund, business model innovation through Hospital & Hotel Business Integration, fundamental transformation through restructuring, increasing balance of payments through B30 implementation (by eliminating diesel imports, reducing exports aviation fuel, saving production costs), technological advancements through LinkAja Development, and deleveroging construction SOEs (by improving business models, optimizing the business balance, funding innovations). (Des)