November 10, 2020


Kiki Verico: Nurturing the  Economic Transformation by: Kiki Verico, Ph.D., Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance and Lecturer at FEB UI DEPOK – Monday (12/10/2020) During the pandemic, all countries are trying to overcome the spread of the virus and to keep consumption in check, so that production can continue. For the medium-long term,...
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J Soedradjad Djiwandono: Digital Silk Road, A Potent PRC Weapon by: J Soedradjad Djiwandono Emeritus Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia In the intensifying superpower competition between the US and the People’s Republic of China there seems to be a more subtle development that has not been much in evidence...
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J Soedradjad Djiwandono: The National Debt Burden   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (7/10/2020) Professor Emeritus of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, J Soedradjad Djiwandono, released a writing published in Kompas Daily, Opinion rubric, page 6, entitled “National Debt Burden”. Following is the writing. “National Debt Burden”...
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ILUNI FEB UI Breakfast Forum: Millennials and Digitalization of MSMEs Hana Fajria – Public Relations of FEB UI Depok – (2/10/2020) ILUNI FEB UI held a virtual Breakfast Forum, with key speakers Destry Damayanti, General Chairperson of ILUNI FEBUI and DGS Bank Indonesia. Other speakers were Masyita Crystallin Ph.D, Special Staff to the Minister of...
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Ari Kuncoro: Trade Balance Surplus Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – Tuesday (20/10/2020), Professor Ari Kuncoro, Rector of Universitas Indonesia, released his article published by Kompas Daily, in the Economic Analysis rubric, titled      “Trade Balance Surplus”. Following is the article     . “Trade Balance Surplus” The Central Bureau of Statistics announced that...
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HR Excellence Webinar Series “Talent Management Practice: Strategy & Execution”   Hana Fajria – Public Relations of FEB UI Depok – (15/10/2020) The Management Institute of FEB UI in collaboration with SWA held an HR Excellence Webinar Series entitled Talent Management Practice: Strategy and Execution on Thursday, 15 October 2020. Herdy R. Harman, Director of...
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Budi Frensidy: Empty Wrappers in the Portfolio Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – Monday (12/10/2020), FEB UI Professor of Finance and Capital Market, Budi Frensidy released his article which was published in the Kontan newspaper, in the Exchange rubric – Wake Up Call, page 3, entitled “Empty Wrappers in the Portfolio”....
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Assessment and Coaching of UKM Center FEB UI: Strengthening and Empowering Palm Oil-Based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) DEPOK – (15/10/2020) Indonesia is one of the largest palm oil producing countries in the world. Palm oil business players are still mostly dominated by small-scale farmers, such as palm oil farmer families or palm oil...
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Ari Kuncoro, on Metro TV: 1 Year Performance Evaluation of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Economic Sector   Hana Fajria ~ PR of FEB UI JAKARTA – Through a plenary session, the DPR passed the Omnibus Law draft on job creation into law. In the midst of many rejections, this law is expected to improve the nation’s economy, especially...
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