Comparative Study of FEBI UIN Walisongo Semarang to FEB UI for KMMB, Research, and Journals


Comparative Study of FEBI UIN Walisongo Semarang to FEB UI for KMMB, Research, and Journals


Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI

DEPOK – (16/9/2021) In order to broaden knowledge about the Merdeka Learning Campus (KMMB), the research and journals group, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEB Islam) UIN Walisongo Semarang conducted a benchmarking/comparative offline study at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) at the Prof. MR. Djokosoetono, Dean Building, on Thursday (16/9/2021).

The event was attended by representatives from FEB Islam UIN Walisongo Semarang, namely Dr. H. Nur Fatoni, M.Ag., Deputy Dean I, Dr. Ratno Agriyanto, M.Sc., Head of the Sharia Accounting Study Program, and Dr. H. Muhamamad Fauzi, M.M., Head of Management Study Program. In addition, representatives from FEB UI, namely Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., Acting Dean, Dr. Djoni Hartono, Secretary of PPIE Study Program, Tika Arundina Aswin, Ph.D., Head of Islamic Economics Study Program, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, Ph.D., Head of Islamic Business Study Program, Dr. Dyah Setyaningrum, Head of the Accounting Study Program, Dr. Dwi Nastiti Danarsari, Manager of Research and Community Service (RPM), and Dr. Irfani Fithria Ummul Muzayanah, Head of the Student Affairs Office.

The Acting Dean of FEB UI, Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., explained that before the implementation of the independent campus curriculum, FEB UI had tried to encourage students to freely choose cross-faculty courses at UI since 2014–2016. The goal is to encourage students to learn something different from what is being studied, in order to open horizons and form collaboration/collaboration between students. In addition, FEB UI has a student exchange program with foreign university partners. Exchange students obtain 12 credits and are free to choose the courses they are interested in.


According to Mr. Teguh, with the independent campus curriculum, FEB UI has made it easier to design competencies. FEB UI requires 110 credits for the undergraduate program, and 34 credits of that is an independent curriculum that frees students to choose courses at any campus. Basically, students are entitled to an independent campus, but universities may not make it as a prerequisite. FEB UI also accommodates students who take the independent campus track on campus only.


Meanwhile, FEB UI has many journals but does not have an intentional focus to make it to Sinta-1 (Science and Technology Index). From the budget side, the FEB UI Journal focuses on the international scope, to encourage lecturers to publish journals in an international scope, not internally. Lecturers are also given a place to conduct research.


“FEB UI has also recently established the Center for Education and Learning in Economics and Business (CELEB) as a center for the development of education and learning in economics and business. This aims to create continuous improvement in the quality of education, learning, and teaching at FEB UI, through the involvement of all stakeholders who encourage the acceleration of FEB UI in realizing the achievement of the Faculty’s mission,” Mr. Teguh said closing the session.


The same thing was also conveyed by the Deputy Dean I of FEB Islam UIN Walisongo Semarang, Dr. H. Nur Fatoni, M.A.g., who said that the purpose of conducting a comparative study at FEB UI was to learn how to translate KMMB, research and journals implemented by FEB UI. “Considering that, FEBI UIN Walisongo has compiled the Merdeka Campus curriculum but its implementation still requires a lot of information to be more concise, in the end, it was FEB UI that we visited knowing that FEB UI had pioneered the independence of course selection before the implementation of the Merdeka Campus curriculum,” said Nur Fatoni. He continued, “We received a lot of input, especially to answer the shortcomings on how to translate the meaning of independence. We understand the purpose of the Merdeka Campus implemented at FEB UI, which is free to take courses according to the passion of the students. In addition, the competency issue of FEB UI requires 110 and the remaining 34 credits of independent courses. On the one hand, we exchange information related to the management of study programs, journals, nomenclature of courses in each program.”



“In the future, the knowledge gained from comparative studies at FEB UI will be our basis for taking comprehensive Faculty management policies, for curriculum, research, journals, accreditation, management improvements, especially curriculum reviews, so that they can serve students well,” concluded Nur Fatoni. . (hjtp)
